七月末的一个午后,骄阳似火,我来到浠水县清泉镇的一家网吧上网。虽是周六,但这条街的网吧简直泛滥成灾,这家“梦飞翔”清净得很,倒给了我一个“安逸”的空间发稿子。 可没过几分钟,我心湖的宁静被打破了。一个十三四岁的小女孩走了过来,端个板凳坐在我身旁,静静地看我上网。这可让我有些不自在了,小女孩想做什么呢?我私下琢磨着,眼神渐渐偏离了屏幕,偷视那个小女孩:皮肤微黑,个头大约一米
An afternoon in late July, when the sun burst like fire, I came to an Internet café in Qingquan Town, Xishui County. Although it is Saturday, but this street Internet cafes just flooded, this “Dream Fly” clean, down to me a “comfortable” space for manuscripts. Can be a few minutes, my heart lake tranquility was broken. A 13-year-old girl came over, sitting on a bench side of me, quietly watching me online. This makes me feel uncomfortable, little girl want to do what? I privately wondering, eyes gradually deviate from the screen, steal the little girl: the skin is black, about a meter head