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由日本学者中材三登志撰写、株式会社亚纪书房出版的《中国劳动运动史》一书、对于陈独秀拒登毛泽东《中国社会各阶级的分析》一文提出了新的着法。作者认为,中共四大已明确提出无产阶级必须掌握民族民主革命的领导权,毛泽东的论文只承认天产阶织是最接近的朋友,没有明确它是革命的领导力量,违背了大会确定的方针,陈独秀对此感到难以接受,因而拒绝在党的机关刊物《前锋》上发表。对于这一观点,冯正钦在《党史信息报》上撰文发表了不同的着法。文章认为“(1)毛泽东《中国杜会各阶级的分析》原版虽然没有提出无产阶级是革命的领导力量,但已有了这一思路。首先,它比党的四大更深入地分析了中国无产阶级的特点,不仅肯定了中国无产阶级同国标无产阶级的共同特点,而且首次分析了中国无产阶级的独特优点,提出这个阶级特别集中,受帝国主义、封建主义和资本主义三重压迫剥削,经济地位特别低下,这就为坚持无产阶级领导权提供了更为充分的科学依据。 Written by Japanese scholar Naomi Tomoyasu and book ”History of Labor Movement in China“ published by Yukihiro Akira put forward a new approach to Chen Duxiu’s rejection of Mao Zedong’s ”Analysis of All Social Classes in China.“ The author believes that the CCP’s Fourth Congress has clearly stated that the proletariat must grasp the leadership of the national democratic revolution. Mao Zedong’s thesis recognizes only that the pro-independence birth is the closest friend and does not make it clear that it is the revolutionary leadership and runs counter to the principle set by the General Assembly , Chen Duxiu felt unacceptable to this and therefore refused to publish it in the ”front“ of the party organ publication. For this view, Feng Zhengqin published a different approach in his article ”History of the Party News.“ The article holds that ”(1) The original version of Mao Zedong’s analysis of all classes in the Chinese Du Kingdom did not raise the idea that the proletariat was the leader of the revolution, but this idea was first analyzed more deeply than the top four of the party The characteristics of the Chinese proletariat not only affirm the common characteristics of the Chinese proletariat and the national proletariat, but also, for the first time, analyze the unique advantages of the Chinese proletariat and propose that this class is particularly concentrated and subjected to the triple oppressive exploitation by imperialism, feudalism and capitalism, The particularly low economic status provides a more adequate scientific basis for upholding the leadership of the proletariat.
问:浙江宁波市刘洋  --我们单位没按规定缴纳社会保险费,听说社会保险经办机构可以要单位以抵押、质押的方式提供担保,真的吗?
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