文雅温润 柔和素净 明代弘治、正德朝景德镇御窑瓷器钩沉

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明代弘治、正德时期是中国陶瓷发展史上的重要时期之一。弘治朝御窑瓷器造型俊秀、胎釉精细、纹饰纤柔、色彩淡雅,其中尤以浇黄地青花、白地绿彩、浇黄釉瓷等最为人所称道。正德朝作为明代御窑瓷器烧造的一个转折点,其器物胎体趋于厚重,造型逐渐增多,装饰偏向繁缛。这一时期烧造的孔雀绿釉青花、素三彩、孔雀绿釉瓷等,堪称是傲视明代御窑瓷器的名品。而明代晚期以来,随着文人品评和收藏古玩之风的盛行,一些利欲熏心之人则趁机进行仿制,以牟取暴利,此风一直影响到清代。 Hongzhi and Masanori in the Ming Dynasty were one of the important periods in the history of the development of Chinese ceramics. Hongzhi North Korea imperial porcelain modeling handsome, fine fetal glaze, decorative fiber soft, elegant colors, especially yellowish blue and white flowers, white green, yellow glazed porcelain and so on the most commendable Road. As a turning point in the Ming Dynasty imperial kiln porcelain, Masanori Dynasty, its artifacts carcass tends to be heavy, shape gradually increased, the decoration tend to be complicated. During this period, the peacock green glaze blue and white, plain terra cotta, peacock green glaze porcelain, etc., can be described as the Ming Imperial imperial porcelain famous. Since the late Ming Dynasty, with the prevalence of literary criticism and antiquarian curiosity, some people who are desirous of wanton smuggling have taken the opportunity to imitate in order to reap huge profits. This trend has always influenced the Qing Dynasty.