Seasonal Gametogenesis of Host Sea Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) InhabitingHong Kong Waters

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sailor111
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Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tropical and subtropical reef ecosystems, but little is known about its biology including reproductive seasonality. Here we reported a one-year study on the gametogenesis and reproduction of host sea anemone(Entacmaea quadricolor) inhabiting Hong Kong waters. E. quadricolor tissues were sampled in 12 occasions from 5 m and 15 m depths of water, respectively. Histological sectioning of the tissues showed that E. quadricolor was dioecious, and populational ratio of female to male was 1:1.6. The gonadal development was asynchronous within an annual cycle, which included proliferating, growing, maturing, spawning, and resting stages. The spawning occurred between August and October when surface seawater temperature reached the annual maximum(28℃), suggesting that temperature is an important factor modulating the gonadal development and mature of E. quadricolor. Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tropical and subtropical reef ecosystems, but little known known its biology including reproductive seasonality. Here we reported a one-year study on the gametogenesis and reproduction of host sea anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) inhabiting Hong Kong waters. E. quadricolor tissues were sampled in 12 occasions from 5 m and 15 m depths of water, respectively. Histological sectioning of the patterns showed that E. quadricolor was dioecious, and populational ratio of female to male was 1: 1.6. The gonadal development was asynchronous to within an annual cycle, which included proliferating, growing, maturing, spawning, and resting stages. The spawning occurred between August and October when surface seawater temperature reached the annual maximum (28 ° C), suggesting that temperature i s an important factor modulating the gonadal development and mature of E. quadricolor.