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素称“文物之邦”的浙江,不仅是中国古越文化的发源地,而且到南宋时期,成了全国政治文化的中心。公元十六世纪前后,江浙一带又是资本主义萌芽发生较早的地区。这种社会历史条件,使浙江在我国学术文化史上具有特殊重要的地位。宋代以后的浙江,人才辈出,学派林立,学术思想异常繁荣活跃。所谓“浙学”,主要是指宋以后的“浙东学术”。这种学术思想发端于北宋,那时就有“永嘉九先生”和“明州杨杜五子”从事教育和学术活动,被称为浙东“儒林之草昧”。到南宋,逐步形成了浙东各学派,其中有以吕祖谦为代表的“金华学派”,以陈亮为代表的“永康学派”,以叶适为代表的“永嘉学派”,以“甬上四先生”为代表的“四明学派”。明代中叶,王守仁集中国古代心学之大成,创立了“姚江学派”,可以说是以心学为主要内容的浙东学术发展到了成熟时期。从此以后, Zhejiang, known as “the state of cultural relics,” is not only the birthplace of the ancient Chinese culture, but also became the political and cultural center of the whole country during the Southern Song Dynasty. Before and after the 16th century AD, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces were the areas where the capitalist sprout took place earlier. This social and historical condition makes Zhejiang have a special and important position in the academic and cultural history of our country. After the Song Dynasty in Zhejiang, talented people, schools everywhere, unusually prosperous academic thinking. The so-called “Zhejiang Science”, mainly refers to the song after the “East Zhejiang Academic.” This academic thought originated in Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, there were “education and academic activities” of “Yongjia Jiu” and “Ming Yang Du Wuzi”. To the Southern Song Dynasty, and gradually formed a school in eastern Zhejiang, including Lu Zuqian as the representative of the “Jinhua School” to Chen Liang represented “Yongkang School”, represented by Ye Shi “Yongjia School” to “ Mr. ”as the representative of the“ Si Ming School. ” In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren set the culmination of ancient Chinese psychology and founded the “Yaojiang School”. It can be said that the academic development of eastern Zhejiang with psychology as the main content reached a mature stage. From then on,
基础知识come up with(口语)想出;找出(答案;计划)work on 继续工作know about了解;知道(某人,某事的情况或消息)so many strange questions如此多的奇怪的问题have nothing
①人生旅途中各个阶段所提出的问题,都有各自的特点。②倒数第三自然段用省略号,作了由点到面的拓展。③将抽象的话题,以具体而微的事情出之。 1 The issues raised in each
“女权运动的进一步发展,已深深地影响到男性,这是‘花样美男’出现的必然条件。” “The further development of the feminist movement has deeply affected men. This i
<正> 1、人类主体及其贡任按照L.科拉科夫斯基所说,“新马克思主义”就是“马克思的方法和概念在新的研究领域的应用”。有一点是大多数“新马克思主义者”都同意的,即都批评“19世纪的最重要原则即赋予经济以至高无上的地位的原则”导致了一种“经济主义”的产生。然而实际上“马克思本人所要做的正好相反,乃是把人类从经济因素的压力下解放出来,以保证人有创造性发展的余地”。因此,根据新马克思主义的观点,迄今一直受到抑制的“人类个体的问题”,已经迫使人们加以注意。对人类个体及其不可推卸的责任的发现,伴随着对
想起了枣树    “丑”与“没用”不是一个概念。  “美”与“有用”也并非一个意思。  这期间并没有必然的联系,倒是美与丑的转化是常见的事,有时这种转变就在瞬间。  比如,一个原本长得挺美的姑娘只要安安静静的,就能使人感觉到那是一道静静的风景,挺雅典,挺庄重,可她非要自以为天下第一,趾高气扬地左顾右盼,搔首弄姿地扭来扭去,立刻由人们可以接受的美变成人人嗤之以鼻的丑!  换言之,使她变丑的是浅薄!