切实抓好思想政治工作 努力提高整体经营水平

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二000年,惠州分行党委紧紧围绕扭亏为盈这个中心工作,一手抓思想政治工作,一手抓各项业务发展,充分发挥广大党员先锋模范作用,促进各项改革和业务的发展,使整体经营水平得到了提高。至年底,实现人民币帐面盈利566万元,提前一年实现了省行党委提出的“两年扭亏为盈”的战略目标。在过去一年的工作实践中,我们深深体会到:抓好思想政治工作是提高整体经营水平的前提,是实现扭亏为盈战略目标强有力的政治保证,一定要下大力气,常抓不懈,抓紧抓好。一、抓理论学习,增强向心力坚持政治理论学习,提高政治思想素质,是实现扭亏为盈战略目标的重要保证。我行新一届领导班子成立后,把加强政治理论学习作为强化党员教育,加强党建工作的一项大事来抓。 In 2000, the party committee of Huizhou Branch closely focused on the central task of turning losses into profits and on the one hand grasping ideological and political work, on the other hand, grasping the development of various businesses and giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members to promote the development of various reforms and businesses so that the overall management The level has been raised. By the end of the year, the RMB book profit of RMB5.66 million was realized, achieving the strategic goal of “turning losses into profit for two years” put forward by the provincial party committee one year ahead of schedule. In the past year’s work practice, we have come to realize that a good grasp of ideological and political work is a prerequisite for raising the overall management level and a strong political guarantee for achieving the strategic goal of turning losses into profits. We must make great efforts and always persevere Do a good job. First, paying attention to theoretical study and strengthening the centripetal effort to uphold the study of political theory and improve the quality of political thinking are important guarantees for achieving the strategic goal of turning losses into profits. After the establishment of the new leadership team of our bank, we should strengthen the study of political theory as a major event in strengthening party members’ education and strengthening party building work.
一个善于思想的人,才是一个真正有力量的人。──陕西安康列车段 张会勋只有从昨天的失败中吸取教训,并认真做好今天的每一件事情,才会取得明天的成功。──广州市1180信箱 刘开兴