《孔塔克特》是斯托克豪森50年代末创作的作品,是德国科隆电子音乐的代 表作。作为欧洲早期电子音乐发展的另一个源头,科隆电子音乐与法国具体音乐 在风格上有明显的不同,最突出的特点表现在,德国人往往更热衷于在工作室 内,利用电子音响的加工与合成来制作音乐。这与具
“Contacte” is a work by Stockhausen in the late 1950s and a masterpiece of electronic music in Cologne, Germany. As another source of early development of electronic music in Europe, there is a clear difference in style between Cologne’s electronic music and French specific music. The most striking feature is that Germans tend to be more keen on working in the studio and using electronic audio processing and composition To make music. This is with