The Importance of Background knowledge in Translating

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  Abstract: Nowadays, the undertaking of translation develops so rapidly in our country. More and more people are engaged in the career of translation. At the same time, unpleasant translated essays appear. In this paper, the author wants to make a main introduction about translation. Then list the problems when translating. At last, the author specifies the ways about how to solve the problems. From all the author’’s ideas and examples, it’’s not difficult to discover that the related knowledge in translating are very important. So in order to make contribution to the undertaking of the nation’’s translation, the translators should try to enlarge their field of vision, know more about the related knowledge and then translate the original works successfully.
  Key words: Original works; translated text; cultural information; aesthetic appreciation; pragmatics.
  Ι.Common problems when translating
  Translation is an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language. It’’s no easy job, not so easy as it is supposed. (Guo Zhuzhang,2005). Many people can speak and write English well, but they can’’t translate. And this difficulty is greatly multiplied by the wide different in vocabulary and sentence construction between the oriental and occidental languages. Translation is difficult to be mastered . Generally speaking, a translator can translate the original works entirely by all kinds of means, such as using paper dictionary, electronic dictionary, reference books, etc. But in the translated text there will still be some problems, such as
  Lack of background information of the original works;
  Contextual errors;
  Translator’’s own careless attitude;
  Ignoring the implied meaning.etc.
  П.Background knowledge
  Knowing the background knowledge of the original works is the most basic thing for a translator , especially historical works. Before your translation, you must consult the related historic documents of the works. Under what circumstance did the story happen? Whether the historical setting will effect the author’’s writing aim? If the main character in the works can express the author’’s idea? If the author’’s experiences will effect his writing style? etc. For example, when you translate Charles Dickens’’ Oliver Twist, first you must be very familiar with Dickens’’s writing background. Dickens finished his Oliver Twist in 1837. During 1832 to 1848, England was in the early Victorian period. That was a period which cried for democracy. The wealthy industrials reconcile with the aristocracy and redoubled their exploitation of the working people, and the conflict between labor and capital become sharper in the English political scene. (Liu Cunbo, 2004. P. 144). Under these background circumstance, Dickens wrote Oliver Twist. The story tells us the boy Oliver Twist’’s miserable experience in the doom society. It’’s in scenes that we can see the great critical realist voicing the helplessness of the poor and oppressed. After knowing all the background information, it’s easier for the translator to scrab the thesis of the story and it’s helpful for the translator to take into account of the related knowledge in the process of translation. The background knowledge is very important, it’s the basic step in translation. As a responsible translator, he must prepare the first step sufficiently.
  Ш. Conclusion
  To be a translator is not difficult, but to be a perfect translator is not so easy. Translation is also a subject of science, it also has its rules that the related knowledge is so significant in this field. The person who engage in the career of translation should learn and master this rule, then he can do better. Modern society is developed so rapidly, we must catch up with the step of the days. Our career of translation must make progress too. So the translator should make sure to be familiar with broad and enough knowledge, then our translation will be m ore flourished.
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  [2] 范仲英《实用翻译教程》[M] 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  [3] 冯庆华 《实用翻译教程》[M] 上海:上海外语教学与出版社
  [4] Jin Di Eugene A Nida.On Translantion [M] ShangHai: ShangHaiForeignLanguageEducation Press
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1.Cultural Factors  A basic definition of culture is provided by E.B Tyler(Ferraro,16)over a century ago.The culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief, art,morals laws,customs, and
[摘要]信息技术具有短时、高效,使表现内容形象直观的特点。利用信息技术辅助生物课堂教学,可以培养学生的学习能力,增强教学内容的直观性和趣味性,使课堂变得生动活泼,提高学生学习兴趣,极大地丰富课堂教学的表现手法和表现方式。  [关键词]信息技术 生物课堂教学 教学策略  工作以来,我在不断地尝试着利用信息技术进行生物课堂教学,我深深地体会到作为一种教学手段,信息技术不是万能的,它绝不能完全取代现行的
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