【摘 要】
Dairy cows nuzzle a barn cat in Granby July 26, 2016.奶牛用鼻子爱抚一只喵星人。格兰比,7.26.2016 A businessman looks at cherry blossoms in almost full bloom in Tokyo, Japan, April 1, 2016. 一名商人在盛开的樱花树下赏樱。日本东京,4.1.20
Dairy cows nuzzle a barn cat in Granby July 26, 2016.奶牛用鼻子爱抚一只喵星人。格兰比,7.26.2016
A businessman looks at cherry blossoms in almost full bloom in Tokyo, Japan, April 1, 2016.
A remote-controlled plane in the form of a witch flies over a neighborhood as the sun sets during Halloween in Encinitas, California, October 31,2016.
一架女巫造型的遙控飞机日落之时驶过好莱坞。加利福尼亚州,恩悉尼塔西 10.31.2016
A giant panda cub falls from the stage while 23 giant pandas born in 2016 are seen on a display, Sichuan province, China, September 29, 2016.
每個美剧粉在等待更新的时候,每周内心的OS都是这样的: 如今美国《赫芬顿邮报》想了一个大招——经典剧集一再翻看?每周等不到更新瞎掀桌?没事,我们有配套书籍可以供你阅读呀!《赫芬顿邮报》这份别出心裁的书单专门送给美剧粉。有些有着相似的题材,有些是剧中人物阅读的书籍,其中精彩自行品味,语言文字的魅力也别有一番风情哦! For fans of American Horror Story The H
The short gag manga Miss Bernard Said is about the love of famous works of literature. "Miss Bernard" Sawako Machida wants to be a well-read person in the library— but does not actually read much. Saw
《哈利·波特》系列圆满结局五年后,J.K.罗琳携全魔法世界回归,带来一个与《哈利·波特》系列有着千丝万缕联系,却又完全不同的魔法新次元——《神奇动物在哪里》(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) 虽然官方说《神奇动物在哪里》与《哈利·波特》系列是完全独立的,但是《神奇动物》与《哈利·波特》有着迷之联系,一起来挖彩蛋吧! ⒈Fantastic Beas
Elena: See, the thing is, I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do. Write in my diary like I have been since my mom gave me one when I was 10. It’s where I get everything out, everythi
Princess Weiyang tells the story of Princess Xiner accidentally becomes "Lee Weiyang" and fights with her enemy after went through destruction of her country and family. It is interesting that this CP
1. Evolution① forged the entirety of sentient② life on this planet using only one tool: the mistake. 2. Ah, my father used to say that only boring people get bored. 3. You can’t play God without bei
黑暗、怪诞,是人们常用来形容蒂姆?波顿电影的两个关键词,《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》在全球其他市场上映时曾蝉联两周全球票房冠军,据外媒报道称,《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》依然非常“蒂姆?波顿”——他的电影是拍给大人看的童话,他总在用自己的独特方式表现人性,丑恶与纯真的一体两面。 ⒈We chose a safe place, a safe day and create a loop①. A loop prese
现在很多年轻人动不动就把“搞事情”这三个字挂在嘴边,“搞事情”在正经的语义中,相当于“挑衅”“惹事”的意思,但最近流行起来的这个“搞事情”,带有一种戏谑调侃的口吻,来表达轻微不爽的感觉。下面给大家几个关于“搞事情”的英文说法,让我们把中国的网络文化发扬光大,一起搞点事情。 bother 别看错了,不是 brother,是 bother,这是一个及物动词,表示“打扰、使某人觉得麻烦”。比如:Co
The box office success of Moana confirms Disney’s status atop① the pecking order of major studios. It owes its apex② predator③status to the way it has deftly bolstered and built on the power of its s