中学化学课本中元素及其化合物知识内容的特点是既多又杂,学生上课学习时似乎容易“懂”,但课后容易遗忘,难以综合运用。因此,学生不得不花去许多时间与精力进行机械的识记,造成了学生学习的积极性和主动性得不到充分的发挥,不利于学生逻辑思维能力的发展。为了解决这个问题,教师在教课中,必须根据学生学习的心理状况,诱发学生进行积极的思维活动,在深刻理解的基础上记忆,既掌握了知识,又发展了能力。我的作法是: 一、联系实际激发兴趣兴趣是激发学生学习的主动性和积极性的
The characteristics of the content of the elements and compounds in middle school chemistry textbooks are not only complex but also seem to be easy to “understand” when students are in class, but they are easily forgotten after class and are difficult to integrate. Therefore, students have to spend a lot of time and energy on mechanical memorization, resulting in students’ learning enthusiasm and lack of initiative to fully play, is not conducive to the development of students’ logical thinking ability. In order to solve this problem, teachers must induce students to carry out active thinking activities according to the psychological conditions of students’ learning, and to memorize on the basis of profound understanding. They not only acquire knowledge, but also develop their abilities. My approach is: First, to link the actual interest to stimulate interest is to stimulate students’ initiative and enthusiasm for learning