摘 要:“国家”一词在英文中的对应语通常是country, nation, state, power,但各个词使用的语境和侧重点不一样。本文试图使用大量常见的例子来阐述“国家”一词的正确翻译。
“国家”一词常翻译为country, nation, state, power等,但各词含义的侧重点不一样。Country 是地理上的概念,nation强调的是“民族”,即组成一个国家的人民,因此“联合国”译为“United Nations”而不是“United Countries”。State 着重在一个国家的政体,列宁的《国家与革命》译为The State and Revolution. Power 指强权,八国联军译为the eight imperialist powers. 只有nation有形容词形式national.
1 country
……“中日不再战”是两国战略利益的最根本的交汇点。… “no more war between China and Japan” is the most fundamental common ground linking the strategic interests of the two countries.
一国的国家利益包括经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等,中日两国的经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等方面均存在着“利益交汇之处”。National interests of a country include economic interests, security interests, political interests and social interests, etc. There are joining points in economic, security, political and social interests between China and Japan.
中国在同其他国家关系中一直强调各国一律平等和尊重中小国家权利和意见的原则。In China’s approach to relations with other countries, there has always been an emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and medium-sized powers.
对很多发展中国家来说,对外来资金和技术的依赖又意味着政治上的继续依附。To many Developing World countries, such external economic reliance implied continued political dependence.
对大多数国家而言,政府历来是高等教育的主要出资人。然而,高等教育的大众化给政府拨款这种方式带来了很大压力,政府认为他们实在无力为大众化的高等教育提供足够的资金。因此,必须找到其他资金来源——包括向学生收取的学费和其他费用(这通常是最大的经费来源)For most countries, the state has traditionally been the main funder of higher education. Massification has placed great strains on state funding, and in all cases government no longer believe they can adequately fund mass higher education. Other sources of funding need to be found—including student tuition and fees (typically the largest source), …
出于政治上的原因,布什政府挥起了“钢铁大棒”,保护本国的钢铁业,引发了钢材出口国的强烈不满。For political reasons, the Bush Administration began to rely on its “Steel Stick” to protect the domestic steel industry, a move strongly opposed by many steel-exporting countries.
2 nation
国家重点自然保护区national key nature reserve
国家重点风景名胜区national key scenic spot
国家重点旅游度假区national tourist resort
国家队队员 national team player
国家版权局 The National Copyright Administration
全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress(NPC)
国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission
国家旅游局 National Tourism Administration
国家统计局National Bureau of Statistics
国家人口和计划生育委员会 National Population and Family Planning Commission
文化差异常常导致不同民族和国家之间发生矛盾冲突、甚至战争。Cultural differences may lead to tensions, arguments, and even wars between peoples and nations.
新华社北京9月10 日电:…… 明天,国家最大的外汇储蓄银行——中国银行将重组为股份有限公司。Beijing Sept,10 (Xinhua)…the Bank of China, the nation’s largest foreign exchange bank, will reorganize itself into a joint stock company tomorrow.
世界上的富裕国家几乎无一例外都在北半球,而贫穷国家都在富裕国家的南面,“南北冲突”一词由此得名。The North-South conflict derives its name from the simple fact that, almost without exception, the wealthy nations of the world are in the Northern Hemisphere and the poorer nations lie to their south.
过去二十年来,所有的工业国都实施过某种形式的医疗改革,美国也不例外。During the past two decades, all of the industrialized nations have enacted some form of healthcare reform. America is no exception.
如果国际贸易只有利没有弊,那么国家间早就开始自由贸易了,人们也不用为国际贸易争论不休了。If there were only advantages to international trade, there would be free trade among nations and there would be little debate over international trade.
新加坡总理李显龙呼吁东盟成员国议会支持东盟一体化政策,特别是对《东盟宪章》的实施。Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged parliamentarians from Southeast Asian nations to support ASEAN integration policies, in particular the implementation of the Charter.
The Declaration of Independence not only gave birth to the new American nation but also gave a philosophy of human rights to the world.
亚伯拉罕•林肯坚持不惜一切代价维护联邦的统一,即使发生战争,也再所不惜。Abraham Lincoln, was determined at all costs to preserve the unity of the nation, even if it meant war.
全世界人民应该携起手来共同与艾滋病作斗争。在全球范围内,它很有可能成为儿童死亡的第一杀手。 All the nations in the world should join hands to fight against AIDs; on a global level, the disease may well become the leading cause of child death.
随着文化交流日益加深,跨国婚姻的数量也在增加。As cultural exchange deepens, the number of marriage across nations is increasing.
检验一个国家实力的真正标准,不是其生产规模的大小,也不是其生产汽车数量的多少,而是这个国家所培养出来的人才。The true test of a nation is not the size of its production or the number of its automobiles. The true of the test, and only test must be the kind of persons it produces.
我国有尊老的传统,老年人往往意味着德高望重,经验丰富,而年轻人则常常被认为才疏学浅,办事不牢。The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting the old. Seniority used to stand for moral eminence and high esteem, and mean rich experience, while the young were often considered as shallow in learning and rash in doing things.
中国国际贸易促进会的宗旨是:促进中国同世界各国和各地区之间的贸易和经济关系的发展……The aims of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade are to promote the development of economic and trade relations between China and all the other nations and regions around the world…
Since both China and Japan regard developing economy as the primary task of the nation, economic interests are at the core of their national interests. Developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation conforms to not only the interests of both countries but also the trend of economic globalization.
汽车工业是中国民族经济的支柱产业,它在发展国民经济和提高人民生活水平方面发挥重大作用。Automobile industry is the backbone industry of Chinese national economy. It is playing a major role in the development of national economy and improvement of people’s living level.
国家统计局数字显示,农产品加工业已成为最具活力的产业,其增长率名列国民经济中各产业之首。According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the farm products processing industry has become the most dynamic industry with a growth rate topping all industries in the national economy.
在改革开放的年代中,尤其是在20世纪最后五年,农业加工在国民经济中的重要性一直在稳步上升。The importance of agricultural processing in the national economy has been steadily rising during the reform years, typically the last five years of the 20th century.
国家知识产权战略的目标之一,就是要大幅度提高企业的创新能力和运用知识产权制度参与国际市场竞争能力,形成一批核心竞争力强,拥有自主知识产权的技术和大企业集团One of the objectives of national intellectual property strategy is to uplift substantially enterprises’ innovation ability and the ability to participate in international competition by using IPR, and to form a number of technologies and big corporate groups with strong core competitiveness and proprietary IPR.
知识产权在世界经济、科技和贸易中的重要地位日益显现,并成为促进一个国家经济发展的至关重要的因素。强化知识产权制度,已成为世界各国发展科技、经济和增强国力的必然选择。日本明确提出从科技立国到知识产权立国的基本国策;美国将知识产权当作国家基础性的战略资源。Intellectual property has played an increasingly prominent role in world economy, science and technology and trade, as well as a vital factor behind a nation’s economic growth. To strengthen their IPR protection system has become a natural choice for countries that wish to develop science, technology and economy and enhance national strength. Japan has explicitly put forward the basic state policy of “building the country through intellectual property”, replacing the previous one of “building the country through science and technology”. The U. S. takes intellectual property as a fundamental national strategic resource.
一句话,我们赞成这样的世界:每个国家的人民都扎根于自己的民族文化宝库之中,又汲取其他国家的丰富滋养。In short,we are for a world in which every people, rooted in their national cultural values, will be receptive to the abundant benefits of other nations.
吸收外来移民是加拿大长期奉行的国策。Admitting immigrants therefore become the long-term national policy pursued by Canada.
它紧靠104国道和杭甬高速公路,距杭州箫山国际机场15分钟车程,交通十分便利。It enjoys a convenient transportation for it is close to 104 national highway, Hangzhou-Ningbo speedway and only 15 minutes’ drive from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.
3 state
国家安全部 Ministry of State Security
国家发展计划委员会 State Development Planning Commission
国家纺织工业局 State Bureau of Textile Industry
国家广播电影电视总局 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
国家工商行政管理局State Administration of Industry and Commerce
国家林业局 State Forestry Bureau
国家邮政局 State Post Bureau
国家文物局 State Cultural Relics Bureau
国家税务总局 State Taxation Administration
国家民族事务委员会 State Nationalities Affairs Commission
国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration
国家助学金 state grants
国家助学贷款state student loan
国家奖学金state scholarship
国务院State Council
国家级景区state-level tourist spot
中国国家知识产权局the State Intellectual Property Office of China
国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration
国家体育总局 State Physical Culture Administration
国家质量技术监督局State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed an acceleration in economic growth and an all-round development in various undertakings through their own efforts and hard work.
国家经贸委副主任欧新黔说,农业加工业的高速发展推动了中国农产品市场,促进了农业的总体进步。他还说,该产业的巨大进步成为推进国民经济发展的力量源泉。Ou Xinqian, vice-minister of the State Economic and Trade Commission, said the fast growth of the agricultural processing industry had boosted the market for Chinese agricultural products, and promoted the upgrade of agriculture generally. He added that the huge leaps in the industry created the power to propel the national economy.
绕过安理会单方面采取行动是十分危险的,也是与安理会各成员国的意愿相违背的。Taking unilateral actions by bypassing the Security Council is dangerous and against the will of all member states.
在我们所处的世界上,国家之间的关系是力量对比的关系。We live in a world where relations between states are relations of forces.
那些经常接触国家机密的人一定得守口如瓶Those who get constant access to state secrets must be the ones who keep their mouths shut.
高等教育从经济学角度来说正越来越多地被视为应由个人来购买的私人利益,而不是由国家来提供经济支持的公共利益,因为它主要是为个体,而不是为社会带来好处。Higher education is increasingly considered in economic terms a private good—a benefit accruing mainly to individuals who should pay for it rather than a public good that contributes benefits to society and thus should be financially supported by the state. ……
我国有句话叫做:“活到老,学到老”,学习是没有终点的,但是一个国家、一个政府能够给每一个公民提供的教育时间却是有限的。There is a saying in China: “One has to study as long as one lives”, and that means there is no end in learning. However, the number of years of education provided to every citizen by the state is limited.
随着越来越多的私营企业家能够得到国有银行贷款,我国的私营企业将有可能创造更多的就业机会,以吸纳国企下岗职工。With more and more loans from state-owned banks being available to private business owners, the private sector will be able to create more jobs to absorb laid-off employees from state-owned enterprises.
中国国际贸易促进会代表国家参加国际展览局的活动,并管理我国在国际展览局的各项工作。On behalf of the State, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade take part in the activities of the International Bureau of Exhibitions and administrates various works of our country in the IBE.
世界银行坚持要各国向它提供所有的财政金融数据,发展中国家对此极为不满。由于一国经济实力的强弱常常与该国政治实力的强弱紧密相连,因此,尽管西方政府与非政府组织一再声称获得投资机会并不意味着该国必须在政治上让步,但是欠发达国家的政府通常对此表示怀疑。Developing states often resent the World Bank’s insistence that they provide full disclosure of financial data, and having had numerous occasions to witness the linkage between economic strength and political power, governments of the less developed states often were skeptical of the claim promulgated by Western state actors and non-state actors alike that no political concessions would be sought if investment opportunities were awarded. Full political and economic independence could be achieved only if Developing World states could strengthen their economic
尽管获得了独立,很多发展中国家失望地发现,它们在经济、政治上却仍然依附于原来的殖民者。Despite obtaining formal independence, many Developing World states have discovered to their chagrin that they remain economically and politically dependent on their former colonial masters.
在发展中国家看来,这种经济上的依附将不可避免地导致它们在政治上的低声下气。因此,即使发展中国家尝试去建立自己的政治经济体系,却很难实现。From the viewpoint of Developing World countries, this economic dependence carried with it unavoidable political subservience. Thus, even though a Developing World state may have sought to establish its own political-economic independence, it could not.
4 power
日本直到1983年才提出要做“政治大国”。Japan did not raise the issue of “becoming a major political power” until 1983.
日本走向“政治大国”是国际格局多极化使然。但是,在日趋紧密的日美同盟之下,日本尽管有做“政治大国”的愿望,其外交在本质上依然摆脱不了对美从属的“中等国家外交”的境界。Japan’s becoming “a major political power” resulted from the trend of multi-polarization in the international structure. However, under the increasingly close Japan-US alliance, Japan’s diplomatic clout has not gone beyond being a medium nation subordinate to the United States, despite its wish of becoming “ a major political power”.
从这个意义上说,美对日成为真正的“政治大国”是不会高兴不会支持的,因为这意味着日本会逐渐变得不那么“紧跟”,不那么听话,甚至成为像某些欧洲国家那样敢于顶撞美国的国家。In this respect, the United States will not really be pleased with and supportive of Japan’s ascension to “a major political power” because this means Japan will no longer be so closely aligned with America, or like some European countries, will even dare to say no to the United States.
总体说来,南方国家有两个共同的特征:它们都曾经有过沦为欧洲列强殖民地的历史,而且都很贫穷。Again speaking in general terms the countries of the South share two attributes: they have had a colonial past dominated by European powers and they are poor.
在近代以后的100多年中,中国人民曾经饱受列强的殖民侵略和压迫,同绝大多数非洲国家有着相似的历史遭遇和悲惨命运。 For more than one hundred years in China’s modern history, the Chinese people were subjected to colonial aggression and oppression by foreign powers, and went through similar suffering and agony that the majority of African countries endured.
未来15年,是中国走新型工业化道路,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的关键时期,也是我国实现贸易大国向贸易强国跨越的关键时期。The coming 15 years is a crucial period for China to take a new approach to industrialization and realize the objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and also a crucial period for China to transform itself from a big trading country to a strong trading power.
中国作为一支主要的经济力量兴起是必然的,对此很少有专家提出质疑。Few experts question the inevitability of China’s emergence as a major economic power.
[1]张春柏, 英语笔译实务三级 [M], 外文出版社,2009。
[2]陈德彰, 英语翻译二级笔译 [M],外语教学与研究出版社,2009。
(作者单位:楚雄师范学院,云南 楚雄 675000)
“国家”一词常翻译为country, nation, state, power等,但各词含义的侧重点不一样。Country 是地理上的概念,nation强调的是“民族”,即组成一个国家的人民,因此“联合国”译为“United Nations”而不是“United Countries”。State 着重在一个国家的政体,列宁的《国家与革命》译为The State and Revolution. Power 指强权,八国联军译为the eight imperialist powers. 只有nation有形容词形式national.
1 country
……“中日不再战”是两国战略利益的最根本的交汇点。… “no more war between China and Japan” is the most fundamental common ground linking the strategic interests of the two countries.
一国的国家利益包括经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等,中日两国的经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等方面均存在着“利益交汇之处”。National interests of a country include economic interests, security interests, political interests and social interests, etc. There are joining points in economic, security, political and social interests between China and Japan.
中国在同其他国家关系中一直强调各国一律平等和尊重中小国家权利和意见的原则。In China’s approach to relations with other countries, there has always been an emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and medium-sized powers.
对很多发展中国家来说,对外来资金和技术的依赖又意味着政治上的继续依附。To many Developing World countries, such external economic reliance implied continued political dependence.
对大多数国家而言,政府历来是高等教育的主要出资人。然而,高等教育的大众化给政府拨款这种方式带来了很大压力,政府认为他们实在无力为大众化的高等教育提供足够的资金。因此,必须找到其他资金来源——包括向学生收取的学费和其他费用(这通常是最大的经费来源)For most countries, the state has traditionally been the main funder of higher education. Massification has placed great strains on state funding, and in all cases government no longer believe they can adequately fund mass higher education. Other sources of funding need to be found—including student tuition and fees (typically the largest source), …
出于政治上的原因,布什政府挥起了“钢铁大棒”,保护本国的钢铁业,引发了钢材出口国的强烈不满。For political reasons, the Bush Administration began to rely on its “Steel Stick” to protect the domestic steel industry, a move strongly opposed by many steel-exporting countries.
2 nation
国家重点自然保护区national key nature reserve
国家重点风景名胜区national key scenic spot
国家重点旅游度假区national tourist resort
国家队队员 national team player
国家版权局 The National Copyright Administration
全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress(NPC)
国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission
国家旅游局 National Tourism Administration
国家统计局National Bureau of Statistics
国家人口和计划生育委员会 National Population and Family Planning Commission
文化差异常常导致不同民族和国家之间发生矛盾冲突、甚至战争。Cultural differences may lead to tensions, arguments, and even wars between peoples and nations.
新华社北京9月10 日电:…… 明天,国家最大的外汇储蓄银行——中国银行将重组为股份有限公司。Beijing Sept,10 (Xinhua)…the Bank of China, the nation’s largest foreign exchange bank, will reorganize itself into a joint stock company tomorrow.
世界上的富裕国家几乎无一例外都在北半球,而贫穷国家都在富裕国家的南面,“南北冲突”一词由此得名。The North-South conflict derives its name from the simple fact that, almost without exception, the wealthy nations of the world are in the Northern Hemisphere and the poorer nations lie to their south.
过去二十年来,所有的工业国都实施过某种形式的医疗改革,美国也不例外。During the past two decades, all of the industrialized nations have enacted some form of healthcare reform. America is no exception.
如果国际贸易只有利没有弊,那么国家间早就开始自由贸易了,人们也不用为国际贸易争论不休了。If there were only advantages to international trade, there would be free trade among nations and there would be little debate over international trade.
新加坡总理李显龙呼吁东盟成员国议会支持东盟一体化政策,特别是对《东盟宪章》的实施。Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged parliamentarians from Southeast Asian nations to support ASEAN integration policies, in particular the implementation of the Charter.
The Declaration of Independence not only gave birth to the new American nation but also gave a philosophy of human rights to the world.
亚伯拉罕•林肯坚持不惜一切代价维护联邦的统一,即使发生战争,也再所不惜。Abraham Lincoln, was determined at all costs to preserve the unity of the nation, even if it meant war.
全世界人民应该携起手来共同与艾滋病作斗争。在全球范围内,它很有可能成为儿童死亡的第一杀手。 All the nations in the world should join hands to fight against AIDs; on a global level, the disease may well become the leading cause of child death.
随着文化交流日益加深,跨国婚姻的数量也在增加。As cultural exchange deepens, the number of marriage across nations is increasing.
检验一个国家实力的真正标准,不是其生产规模的大小,也不是其生产汽车数量的多少,而是这个国家所培养出来的人才。The true test of a nation is not the size of its production or the number of its automobiles. The true of the test, and only test must be the kind of persons it produces.
我国有尊老的传统,老年人往往意味着德高望重,经验丰富,而年轻人则常常被认为才疏学浅,办事不牢。The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting the old. Seniority used to stand for moral eminence and high esteem, and mean rich experience, while the young were often considered as shallow in learning and rash in doing things.
中国国际贸易促进会的宗旨是:促进中国同世界各国和各地区之间的贸易和经济关系的发展……The aims of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade are to promote the development of economic and trade relations between China and all the other nations and regions around the world…
Since both China and Japan regard developing economy as the primary task of the nation, economic interests are at the core of their national interests. Developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation conforms to not only the interests of both countries but also the trend of economic globalization.
汽车工业是中国民族经济的支柱产业,它在发展国民经济和提高人民生活水平方面发挥重大作用。Automobile industry is the backbone industry of Chinese national economy. It is playing a major role in the development of national economy and improvement of people’s living level.
国家统计局数字显示,农产品加工业已成为最具活力的产业,其增长率名列国民经济中各产业之首。According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the farm products processing industry has become the most dynamic industry with a growth rate topping all industries in the national economy.
在改革开放的年代中,尤其是在20世纪最后五年,农业加工在国民经济中的重要性一直在稳步上升。The importance of agricultural processing in the national economy has been steadily rising during the reform years, typically the last five years of the 20th century.
国家知识产权战略的目标之一,就是要大幅度提高企业的创新能力和运用知识产权制度参与国际市场竞争能力,形成一批核心竞争力强,拥有自主知识产权的技术和大企业集团One of the objectives of national intellectual property strategy is to uplift substantially enterprises’ innovation ability and the ability to participate in international competition by using IPR, and to form a number of technologies and big corporate groups with strong core competitiveness and proprietary IPR.
知识产权在世界经济、科技和贸易中的重要地位日益显现,并成为促进一个国家经济发展的至关重要的因素。强化知识产权制度,已成为世界各国发展科技、经济和增强国力的必然选择。日本明确提出从科技立国到知识产权立国的基本国策;美国将知识产权当作国家基础性的战略资源。Intellectual property has played an increasingly prominent role in world economy, science and technology and trade, as well as a vital factor behind a nation’s economic growth. To strengthen their IPR protection system has become a natural choice for countries that wish to develop science, technology and economy and enhance national strength. Japan has explicitly put forward the basic state policy of “building the country through intellectual property”, replacing the previous one of “building the country through science and technology”. The U. S. takes intellectual property as a fundamental national strategic resource.
一句话,我们赞成这样的世界:每个国家的人民都扎根于自己的民族文化宝库之中,又汲取其他国家的丰富滋养。In short,we are for a world in which every people, rooted in their national cultural values, will be receptive to the abundant benefits of other nations.
吸收外来移民是加拿大长期奉行的国策。Admitting immigrants therefore become the long-term national policy pursued by Canada.
它紧靠104国道和杭甬高速公路,距杭州箫山国际机场15分钟车程,交通十分便利。It enjoys a convenient transportation for it is close to 104 national highway, Hangzhou-Ningbo speedway and only 15 minutes’ drive from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.
3 state
国家安全部 Ministry of State Security
国家发展计划委员会 State Development Planning Commission
国家纺织工业局 State Bureau of Textile Industry
国家广播电影电视总局 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
国家工商行政管理局State Administration of Industry and Commerce
国家林业局 State Forestry Bureau
国家邮政局 State Post Bureau
国家文物局 State Cultural Relics Bureau
国家税务总局 State Taxation Administration
国家民族事务委员会 State Nationalities Affairs Commission
国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration
国家助学金 state grants
国家助学贷款state student loan
国家奖学金state scholarship
国务院State Council
国家级景区state-level tourist spot
中国国家知识产权局the State Intellectual Property Office of China
国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration
国家体育总局 State Physical Culture Administration
国家质量技术监督局State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed an acceleration in economic growth and an all-round development in various undertakings through their own efforts and hard work.
国家经贸委副主任欧新黔说,农业加工业的高速发展推动了中国农产品市场,促进了农业的总体进步。他还说,该产业的巨大进步成为推进国民经济发展的力量源泉。Ou Xinqian, vice-minister of the State Economic and Trade Commission, said the fast growth of the agricultural processing industry had boosted the market for Chinese agricultural products, and promoted the upgrade of agriculture generally. He added that the huge leaps in the industry created the power to propel the national economy.
绕过安理会单方面采取行动是十分危险的,也是与安理会各成员国的意愿相违背的。Taking unilateral actions by bypassing the Security Council is dangerous and against the will of all member states.
在我们所处的世界上,国家之间的关系是力量对比的关系。We live in a world where relations between states are relations of forces.
那些经常接触国家机密的人一定得守口如瓶Those who get constant access to state secrets must be the ones who keep their mouths shut.
高等教育从经济学角度来说正越来越多地被视为应由个人来购买的私人利益,而不是由国家来提供经济支持的公共利益,因为它主要是为个体,而不是为社会带来好处。Higher education is increasingly considered in economic terms a private good—a benefit accruing mainly to individuals who should pay for it rather than a public good that contributes benefits to society and thus should be financially supported by the state. ……
我国有句话叫做:“活到老,学到老”,学习是没有终点的,但是一个国家、一个政府能够给每一个公民提供的教育时间却是有限的。There is a saying in China: “One has to study as long as one lives”, and that means there is no end in learning. However, the number of years of education provided to every citizen by the state is limited.
随着越来越多的私营企业家能够得到国有银行贷款,我国的私营企业将有可能创造更多的就业机会,以吸纳国企下岗职工。With more and more loans from state-owned banks being available to private business owners, the private sector will be able to create more jobs to absorb laid-off employees from state-owned enterprises.
中国国际贸易促进会代表国家参加国际展览局的活动,并管理我国在国际展览局的各项工作。On behalf of the State, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade take part in the activities of the International Bureau of Exhibitions and administrates various works of our country in the IBE.
世界银行坚持要各国向它提供所有的财政金融数据,发展中国家对此极为不满。由于一国经济实力的强弱常常与该国政治实力的强弱紧密相连,因此,尽管西方政府与非政府组织一再声称获得投资机会并不意味着该国必须在政治上让步,但是欠发达国家的政府通常对此表示怀疑。Developing states often resent the World Bank’s insistence that they provide full disclosure of financial data, and having had numerous occasions to witness the linkage between economic strength and political power, governments of the less developed states often were skeptical of the claim promulgated by Western state actors and non-state actors alike that no political concessions would be sought if investment opportunities were awarded. Full political and economic independence could be achieved only if Developing World states could strengthen their economic
尽管获得了独立,很多发展中国家失望地发现,它们在经济、政治上却仍然依附于原来的殖民者。Despite obtaining formal independence, many Developing World states have discovered to their chagrin that they remain economically and politically dependent on their former colonial masters.
在发展中国家看来,这种经济上的依附将不可避免地导致它们在政治上的低声下气。因此,即使发展中国家尝试去建立自己的政治经济体系,却很难实现。From the viewpoint of Developing World countries, this economic dependence carried with it unavoidable political subservience. Thus, even though a Developing World state may have sought to establish its own political-economic independence, it could not.
4 power
日本直到1983年才提出要做“政治大国”。Japan did not raise the issue of “becoming a major political power” until 1983.
日本走向“政治大国”是国际格局多极化使然。但是,在日趋紧密的日美同盟之下,日本尽管有做“政治大国”的愿望,其外交在本质上依然摆脱不了对美从属的“中等国家外交”的境界。Japan’s becoming “a major political power” resulted from the trend of multi-polarization in the international structure. However, under the increasingly close Japan-US alliance, Japan’s diplomatic clout has not gone beyond being a medium nation subordinate to the United States, despite its wish of becoming “ a major political power”.
从这个意义上说,美对日成为真正的“政治大国”是不会高兴不会支持的,因为这意味着日本会逐渐变得不那么“紧跟”,不那么听话,甚至成为像某些欧洲国家那样敢于顶撞美国的国家。In this respect, the United States will not really be pleased with and supportive of Japan’s ascension to “a major political power” because this means Japan will no longer be so closely aligned with America, or like some European countries, will even dare to say no to the United States.
总体说来,南方国家有两个共同的特征:它们都曾经有过沦为欧洲列强殖民地的历史,而且都很贫穷。Again speaking in general terms the countries of the South share two attributes: they have had a colonial past dominated by European powers and they are poor.
在近代以后的100多年中,中国人民曾经饱受列强的殖民侵略和压迫,同绝大多数非洲国家有着相似的历史遭遇和悲惨命运。 For more than one hundred years in China’s modern history, the Chinese people were subjected to colonial aggression and oppression by foreign powers, and went through similar suffering and agony that the majority of African countries endured.
未来15年,是中国走新型工业化道路,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的关键时期,也是我国实现贸易大国向贸易强国跨越的关键时期。The coming 15 years is a crucial period for China to take a new approach to industrialization and realize the objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and also a crucial period for China to transform itself from a big trading country to a strong trading power.
中国作为一支主要的经济力量兴起是必然的,对此很少有专家提出质疑。Few experts question the inevitability of China’s emergence as a major economic power.
[1]张春柏, 英语笔译实务三级 [M], 外文出版社,2009。
[2]陈德彰, 英语翻译二级笔译 [M],外语教学与研究出版社,2009。
(作者单位:楚雄师范学院,云南 楚雄 675000)