随着近三年全国高考话题作文的一次次闪亮登“场” ,各地各校语文训练与检测中的话题作文也风起云涌 ,话题作文已成了广大师生、语文报刊关注的热点。笔者在教学中对此也进行了一些思考与实践 ,不揣浅陋 ,写出来请同行专家指教。话题作文是一种有别于命题、半命题、材料作文等
With the topical composition of the national college entrance examination in the past three years, the topic composition in various local language training and testing has been surging. The topic composition has become the focus of teachers and students, Chinese newspapers and periodicals. In the teaching, the author also carried out some reflections and practices in this regard. Topic composition is different from proposition, semi-proposition, material composition, etc.