
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vicky1924
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自Lew is(1975)倡用颞骨切除术治疗耳道和中耳癌以来,术后加用放疗五年生存率由6%提高到30%左右。手术技巧和闭合伤口的方法对术后及早放疗至关重要。本文综述了颞骨切除术后各种修复方法并介绍一种新方案。本法多采用耳郭前、后及外耳道下三点连结皮肤切口。牺牲耳郭及邻近皮肤时则采用后颈部转移皮瓣及松弛切口。为争取颞骨次全切除术后伤口顺利一期愈合,应注意封闭死腔,减张缝合,保留皮瓣血供,避免“T”形连结(尤其是跨越死腔者),预防脑脊液漏等并发症。作者建议改用单一切口,自耳郭前颧弓上方开始延至下颌角下,切口稍向后弯,再向前下。术野暴露良好。若手术顺利,不用过多牺牲周围皮肤或腮腺,皮瓣血供未受影 Since Lew is (1975) advocated the use of temporal bone resection for the treatment of the ear and middle ear cancers, the five-year survival rate after radiotherapy combined with radiotherapy increased from 6% to 30%. Surgical techniques and procedures to close the wound are essential for early postoperative radiotherapy. This article reviews various repair methods after temporal bone resection and introduces a new program. This method and more use of the ear before and after the ear canal and three points under the skin incision. Sacrificial ear and adjacent skin when the neck is used to transfer the flap and relaxation of the incision. In order to strive for the healing of the wounds after subtotal resection of the temporal bone, it is necessary to pay attention to sealing the dead space, reducing the sutures and reserving the blood supply of the flaps, avoiding “T” shaped connections (especially those crossing the dead space) and preventing cerebrospinal fluid leakage disease. The authors suggest switching to a single incision, starting from the top of the zygomatic arch before the ear began to extend to the mandibular angle, incision slightly backward bend, then forward. Surgery exposed well. If the operation goes well, not too much sacrifice the surrounding skin or parotid gland, flap blood supply is not affected
颌骨内牙源性纤维瘤较少见,我科收治一例,现报告如下: 刘某某,女性,50岁,住院号:134112 病史:右下颌骨膨隆二年余。于1982年初拔除7残根后,发现右下颌骨体部膨隆,并渐增大.
作者检查60例颌面部放线菌病(皮下型30例,皮下肌间型30例),年龄17~68岁;30例颌面部非特异性慢性炎症,年龄17~69岁;30名健康人,年龄18~30岁。用放射免疫扩散法测定血清 lgA、lgG
义务教育课程标准实验教科书语文二年级下册18课《雷雨》用精炼的文字描绘了夏天雷雨前、雷雨中、雷雨后的自然景象,揭示了大自然神奇的魅力和带给我们生活的乐趣。教学时,要引导学生联系生活经验,图文结合地反复诵读课内内容,品味美感,在培养学生自主学习的同时,培养热爱大自然的情趣。  一、识字写字  1.自主初识。学生自读课文,把不认识的字圈出来,合作小组内互学互教。要求:①朗读时,用普通话,发音清楚响亮;
都是搭上没有座位的公交车,却因为过程不同,在你心里的满意度大不一样,这到底是为什么? Are to catch the buses without seats, but because of the different processes,