重症超声具有问题导向、实时动态、既可重复检查也可连续监测的特点,是确定患者治疗方向,尤其是指导血流动力学治疗精细调整的重要手段.然而目前,超声在重症患者护理中的应用处于起步阶段.超声具有独特的可视化视角,可定性和 (或)定量的评估肉眼无法观察的护理指标,有助于解决临床中护理工作的难题.本文就超声引导下血管穿刺技术、超声引导下空肠营养管置入技术、超声在肺脏护理评估中的应用以及在压疮评估与预防中的应用进行探讨和阐述.“,”Critical care ultrasonography (CCU), problem-oriented and used at bedside is becoming an important tool for the diagnosis, hemodynamic monitoring of critical illness.However, the use of CCU in critical care nursing is still at early stage.The problem solving in nursing could take advantage of CCU with its ability of displaying visible image, providing of qualitative and/or quantitative index.We hereby made this review aiming to describe ultrasound-guided vascular puncture technique, ultrasound-guided placement of jejunum nutrition tube, ultrasound-assissted lung nursing and bed sore assessment.