“三个代表”这一科学理论不仅是同马列主义 ,毛泽东思想和邓小平理论一脉相承的科学体系 ,而且在继承前人基础上与时俱进的科学体系。这为我们不断推进理论创新提供了重要启示 :必须把坚持马克思主义和发展马克思主义辨证地统一起来 ,必须以最广大人民的伟大实践为动力和源泉 ,必须不断深化对“三大规律”的认识。
The scientific theory of “three represents” is not only a scientific system that goes along with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, but also inherits the scientific spirit of keeping pace with the times based on its predecessors. This provides important enlightenment for us to continuously promote theoretical innovation. We must unify dialectical and Marxism-based adherence to Marxism and must rely on the great practice of the overwhelming majority of the people as the driving force and source. We must also deepen our understanding of the “three laws” .