As the main memory and buffer memory of information processing devices such as modern electronic computers and electronic switches, semiconductor integrated circuit memories are being watched. Described herein is a discussion of the possibility of using a cheap MOS integrated circuit as a memory cell and a bipolar integrated circuit as a cache of peripheral circuits. The design of each circuit, the LSI circuit The result of a trial production of such an LSI circuit memory device is constructed and used. LSI is a multi-chip form in which MOS memory cells that separate sense and bit lines and bipolar peripheral circuits (matrix, sense amplifiers) are connected by a beam lead on the same ceramic substrate. The resulting high performance levels are 6 nanoseconds for a single 512-bit LSI, 30 nanoseconds for a 1Kbyte device, and 35 nanoseconds for the cycle time. From the study of the characteristics of the memory device, it has been found that the circuit type and the method for forming the LSI adopted this time are very effective for high-speed and high-density.