Analysis of the student books of New Senior English for China

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  【Abstract】: In recent years, students' overall quality of English has received much attention in China. The current textbook, the New Senior English for China is a typical example for this trend. In this thesis, we will have a close discussion on the student books of this set of textbooks .
  【Key words】: the student books, integrated language skills, the role of student
  1. A brief description of student books
  The student books of New Senior English for China include a total of 11 books, respectively corresponding to module 1-5 high school compulsory courses and module 6-11 high school elective courses. Each unit consists of eight components: Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, Learning about language, Using language, Summing-up, and learning tips.
  2. Teaching suggestions for the eight components of each unit
  2.1 Warming-Up
  The textbook designed various forms of activities before the reading part to activate students' background information. For example, in the warming-up of unit 2, module 2, the textbook designs questions about Olympic games so that the teacher can hold a knowledge contest of Olympics with prizes.
  2.2 Pre-reading
  This part usually lists a number of questions, which are closely related to the content of the reading material. For example, in the unit 2, module 2, the first activity of the pre-reading is to let students list the some differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.
  2.3 Reading
  This section provides the main reading part for each unit. Teacher can utilize it to train students reading skills such as skimming, scanning, fast reading, detailed reading and so on.
  2.4 Comprehending
  There are many forms of practice to test students' comprehending, such as matching, multiple-choice, True-false and subjective item. And some of them can be employed in the fast reading.
  2.5 Learning about language
  This section includes two parts: Discovering useful words and expressions and Discovering useful structures. There are also various forms of vocabulary and grammar exercises.
  2.6 Using language
  This part creates a large number of meaningful authentic and semi-authentic scenarios that use the new language knowledge of the unit, which designed to cultivate students' ability to use English language comprehensively.
  In this thesis, two main objectives have been pursued, one is to make introduction of the student books of New Senior English for China. The other is to give some suggestions on how to utilize this book to improve students’ language knowledge and abilities in a comprehensive way.
  [1 ] Alan Cunningsworth. (2002) Choosing Your Coursebook [M].上海外語教育出版社
  [2] David W. Carroll. (2000) Psychology of Language (3rd edtion) [M].外語教学与研究出版社
【摘要】:隔代教养是越来越多家庭常态,其问题和弊端也在开始显现,们对此的关注 度也不断提高。人们在强调隔代教育给儿童社会化、自信心等方面带来影响的同时,很少人会关注到隔代教育中祖父母的角色与改变,他们在承担代理父母的角色之后面临的压力,以及在这个过程中产生的心理问题,他们帮助子女照顾孙子是“喜” 更多,还是“忧”更多呢,这都是我们忽视的问题  【关键词】:家庭型态;隔代教养;积极影响;消极影响  
【摘要】:体育教学中能否激起学生的参与兴趣,是体育课能否达到最佳教育效果的重要原因。然而多年来,以竞技体育为主的体育课程设置及活动内容的安排,使得体育课堂教学活动枯燥,方法陈旧,手段单调,久而久之学生对体育课失去了学习兴趣。本文从改进教学方法,更新教学手段上着手,就调动学生的学习兴趣方面,谈几点做法和思考。  【关键词】:体育教学;学习兴趣;兴趣激发;兴趣引导  兴趣是学习的内在动力,也是影响学生
【摘要】:当代,基础教育阶段英语课程标准的不断变革,促使英语教材随之不断更新。面对多样化的教材,教材分析就显得十分重要。人教版英语教材在我国中学英语教学中的地位举足轻重,故这篇论文以人教版高中英语必修5(NSEFC5)为研究对象,通过对整本书的指导思想、教材内容(话题、功能、语法、词汇)、教材结构等的分析,希望让教师和学生对该书有更加深入的了解,以期改善英语教学、提高英语教学质量。  【关键词】:
【摘要】:随着我国科技的发展,多媒体技术的应用在各大领域也变得越来越广泛。在大学声乐教学中,多媒体技术的引入能够促进教学改革,构建一个新的声乐教学模式,从而在一定程度上提高教学效果。本文在分析了大学声乐教学现状的基础上,改进多媒体教学方式,同时提出了多媒体教学中存在的问题,以促进多媒体技术在大学声乐教学中的合理运用。  【关键词】:多媒体;大学声乐;教学运用。  声乐是一种极其富有美感的艺术,现如
【摘要】:以修养和人格魅力为核心的人文素质水平的提升,需要系统培养和长期熏陶。根据土建类创业型大学专业的特殊性,应注重开发校本教育资源,开设服务于应用型人才培养目标的大学语文课程。课程应集中国传统文化、文学艺术、建筑与人文、园林与艺术和语文应用知识于一体,采取模块化设计,并以专题和讲座的形式授课。  【关键词】:大学语文课程;课程建设;土建类;创业型大学  以修养和人格魅力为核心的人文素质水平,需
【摘要】:初中生正处于他们人生中的一个特殊发展时期,初中课程相比较于小学以及高中课程更为重要以及困难。本研究主要是对于目前我国初中生美术课堂的问题以及现状进行研究。在美术课堂教学中,建立一种提升学生参与度以及学生兴趣的课堂气氛,使学生在自由、自主、尊重、信任、理解和宽容中,形成主动参与美术课堂教学的意识,激发自觉探索求知的欲望,富有创造性地参与美术课堂教学。  【关键词】:初中生;美术课堂;参与度
【摘要】:学习文言文需要一定的积累,通过兴趣点、依据点、着力点、出发点和起跳点来提升文言文的阅读能力,以达到平时阅读和考试时候准确到位读懂文言文的目的。  文言文阅读对于高中语文的学习来说,是一项艰难的学习任务,小学和初中的教学内容相应的减少,生活实际应用更少,文言文的阅读和理解就显得陌生而不能够准确理解文句的含义。随着高考的赋分增加,再加上对《论语》选读的考查,提升文言文阅读能力显得非常迫切。语