本文英文版曾于2006年6月首发于British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology(《英国临床药理学杂志》),此刊为英国药理学会主办的国际性的学术期刊(SCI)。由于作者许小丽(Elisabeth Hsu)详细梳理了青蒿素发现的历史过程,并从人类学的角度进行了深入思考,取得了学界高度的关注。事隔十年,如今中国科学家屠呦呦教授已经成功捧回诺贝尔奖,为了更好地让国内学界了解海外关于青蒿素的研究情况,促进海内外中医药学术研究的交流与合作,本刊征得作者同意并请曾跟随作者学习过的秦倩博士进行全文翻译,供广大学者研究参考。
This article was first published in English in June 2006 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, an international academic journal (SCI) hosted by the British Pharmacological Society. As the author Elisabeth Hsu elaborated on the historical process of the discovery of artemisinin in detail, and from the perspective of anthropology conducted in-depth thinking, has received a high degree of academic attention. After a lapse of ten years, Chinese scientists Tu Yo Yo has now succeeded in taking back the Nobel Prize. In order to better enable domestic academics to understand overseas research on artemisinin and to promote exchanges and cooperation in academic research at home and abroad, With the author’s consent, Dr. Qin Qian, who had studied with the author, was invited to conduct a full-text translation for the study and reference of many scholars.