The effects of different altitudes on the fertility of two-use genic male sterile lines were studied using three different types of dual-genic male sterile lines. The results showed that the fertility changes of different materials at the same altitude were different. M901S had a long and stable sterile period, followed by 8912S and NJ28S. Because of the obvious temperature difference at different altitudes, the effects on the two-purpose nuclear sterile lines are obviously different. Among them, the temperature change of ± 600m is between ± 200m and ± 800m, and the change tends to ± 800m. Fertility changes ± 200m and ± 600m showed no significant differences, the same trend, ± 800m greater differences, ± 1100m temperature is too low, the development of rice plants may be adverse. In our opinion, ± 200m and ± 800m can be chosen as ecological representative points for the fertility stability of dual-purpose genic male sterile lines. The identification result of ± 1100m can be used as a reference index.