Reversing multiple age-related pathologies by controlling the senescence-associated secretory phenot

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:livos
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Regenerative medicine by cell transplantation is a novel therapy for treating end-stage organ failure and tissue damage.Cell-based therapy based on the transplantation of neural stem/progenitor cells(NSPCs)represents an attractive strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases,but obtaining large numbers of these cells is difficult and their differentiation potential is strictly restricted in a spatiotemporally-regulated manner during central nervous Regenerative medicine by cell transplantation is a novel therapy for treating end-stage organ failure and tissue damage. Cell-based therapy based on the transplantation of neural stem / progenitor cells (NSPCs) represents an attractive strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. large numbers of these cells is difficult and their differentiation potential is strictly restricted in a spatiotemporally-regulated manner during central nervous
在图象处理中,若将信号直接以f(x)=xα为映射形式是十分不便的。本文给出了两种有理分式函数的映射模型,在实际应用中收到了较好的效果。 In image processing, it is very inconven
1999年,由咸宁市委党史研究室编著、中共党史出版社出版的《中国共产党鄂南历史》、《中国共产党咸宁历史大事记》和《新四军鄂南人物志》相继出版发行。 In 1999, the Hist
《广西地质》是反映地球科学、地质矿产、地矿经济、地矿管理类的综合性学术期刊。文章介绍了《广西地质》期刊从传统编辑方式到由计算机实现编排一体化的过程 ,指出科技期刊
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The technique of human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET or IVF) has been establishedt. But, at present the IVF mainly benefits the patients w