王家沟油库新建事故缓冲池位于乌鲁木齐王家沟油库北库区,建设前需拆除已建的1具20 000m3、2具1 0 0 0 0 m3、1具1 000 m3共4具成品油储罐及配套的罐区工艺、消防管线等设施。本次拆除施工难度最大的是20 000 m3储罐拆除,根据现场实际情况,结合以往钢制储罐施工技术手段和经验,研究制定出一套安全可靠的施工方案及工艺。
The new accident buffer pool for Wangjiagou Oil Depot is located in the northern reservoir area of Wangjiagou Oil Depot in Urumqi. Before the project is completed, a total of 4 finished oil storage tanks with a capacity of 20 000 m3, 1 000 m3 and 1 000 m3 have to be demolished, Supporting the tank area craft, fire pipeline and other facilities. The demolition of the most difficult construction is 20 000 m3 tank demolition, according to the actual situation on the site, combined with the previous steel tank construction techniques and experience to study and formulate a set of safe and reliable construction programs and processes.