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  Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
   1. You just need to practise ____(speak) English more.
   2. My ____(hobby) are listening to music and playing football.
   3. Chinese people are very ____(friend) to others.
   4. Dalian is a really good place ____(live) in.
   5. Tomorrow is her ____(twelve) birthday. Let’s buy a present for her.
   6. Trainers don’t make your feet ____(feel) hot.
   7. Where’s ____(today) newspaper?
   8. I’d like a cup of Chinese tea ____(with) anything in it.
   9. Be quiet. The baby ____(sleep).
  10. ____(not do) your homework here.
  Ⅱ. 单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
   1. “Happy New Year!” “____.”
   A. Thank you B. That’s right C. The same to you D. OK
   2. I have no pen ____ pencil.
   A. or B. and C. but D. so
   3. There’s ____ “u” and ____ “s” in the word “use”.
   A. an; an B. a; an C. a; a D. an; a
   4. The parents look ____ now. They are looking ____ at their son.
   A. happy; happy B. happily; happy C. happily; happily D. happy; happily
   5. There isn’t ____ tea now. Would you like ____ juice?
   A. any; some B. some; any C. any; any D. some; some
   6. Our school is beautiful. There are eight ____ teachers and students in it.
   A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundred D. hundreds
   7. “Must I do my homework now?” “No, you ____.”
   A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. don’t D. can’t
   8. The lights are still on. Let’s ____.
   A. turn off it B. turn it off C. turn off them D. turn them off
   9. I like the colour of the jeans. So I’d like ____.
   A. buying one B. to buy one C. buying a pair D. to buy a pair
  10. The girl looks nice ____ red and ____ long hair.
   A. in; in B. in; with C. with; with D. with; in
  11. She doesn’t know ____ at the meeting.
   A. what can she say B. what she can speak
   C. what to say D. how to say
  12. Listen!The music ____.
   A. sounding goodB. sound well C. sounds good D. is sounding well
  13. The models are wearing clothes ____.
   A. in 1980s B. from the 1980 C. in the 1980 D. from the 1980s
  14. Look!There ____ little fish swimming in the river.
   A. is B. are some C. are a D. is some
  15. This is Mary’s book. Please give ____.
   A. her to it B. it for her C. it to her D. her it
  16. “We hope you ____ a nice birthday.” “Thank you.”
   A. have B. to have C. having D. has
  17. Is there ____ to eat? I’m hungry.
   A. something nice B. anything nice C. nice something D. nice anything
  18. “____ do you go to the Swimming Club?” “Twice a week.”
   A. How often B. How many times C. How long D. How much
  19. Amy ____ 15 yuan ____ the comic book.
   A. pays; on B. spends; on C. costs; for D. takes; of
  20. You are not strong enough. I think you need ____.
   A. to exercise more B. more exercise C. to do more exercise D. all the above
  Ⅲ. 完型填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Tom is a middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually __1__ at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. __2__ today he gets up at 6:30 and goes to buy a big cake. After that he helps his grandparents clean their room, because it is his __3__ birthday. His grandpa is going to be 78 years old.
  Tom __4__ two CDs about Beijing Opera(京剧) __5__ his grandpa. He is sure his grandpa would like __6__ very much, because his grandpa likes listening to Beijing Opera.
  When Tom __7__ home at noon, his mother is making noodles with his grandma. They are laughing and talking about something happily. His grandpa is drinking tea __8__ listening to Beijing Opera.
  Tom says, “Happy birthday to you, Grandpa.” Then he cuts the big cake and gives Grandpa a __9__ piece. Grandpa is very happy and eats it.
  In the evening, Tom watches TV with his grandparents together. He is a little __10__ but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.
   1. A. goes to school B. gets up C. watches TV D. goes to bed
   2. A. But B. Because C. So D. Or
   3. A. mother’s B. father’s C. grandpa’s D. grandma’s
   4. A. sees B. listens to C. watches D. buys
   5. A. to B. for C. with D. at
   6. A. it B. her C. them D. him
   7. A. gets B. buys C. leaves D. goes to
   8. A. or B. but C. and D. so
   9. A. light B. bad C. small D. big
  10. A. sad B. tired C. worried D. excited
  Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
  Mike didn’t go to bed until very late last night. He watched a very interesting film on TV. He had to stay up till(坚持到) two o’clock this morning because he wanted to see the end of the film.
  This morning his mother had to wake him up. He got up and washed his face in a hurry(匆忙). He didn’t eat anything for breakfast. He ran fast all the way to the bus stop. When he saw the bus coming, he suddenly(突然) remembered that he left his schoolbag at home. He put his textbooks(课本) and homework in the bag last night. He had to go back to get it. When he finally(终于) got to school, his English class was already over.
   1. What did Mike do before he went to bed last night? ____.
   A. He did his homework B. He watched an interesting film
   C. He played computer games D. He did some reading
   2. Why couldn’t Mike wake up this morning? ____.
   A. Because he was ill
   B. Because he didn’t have a clock
   C. Because he didn’t want to go to school today
   D. Because he went to bed late last night
   3. What did Mike have for breakfast this morning? ____.
   A. He had a big breakfast B. He had nothing
   C. He had a little food D. We don’t know
   4. Why did Mike have to go back home? ____.
   A. He left his schoolbag at home
   B. He wanted to go back home to have breakfast
   C. His mother asked him to go back home quickly
   D. Both B and C
   5. How do you think Mike would feel this morning? ____.
   A. Happy B. Worried C. Tired D. Excited
  It’s the age of information now. In the modern world, information is very important. We need many kinds of information. We need to know the news, the weather, etc. And we want to learn about new things.
  There are many ways of getting information. For example, we can watch TV, listen to the radio and read newspapers. We can also surf on the Internet. It’s easy and quick. I often use it with my study, and it is helpful to me.
  Living in the age of information, what should we do then? In my opinion, we should study hard. If not, we will not adapt to(适应) the new world.
   1. The meaning of “information age” is ____.
   A. 电脑时代 B. 信息时代 C. 信息革命 D. 信息年龄
   2. Is information very important? ____.
   A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, it does D. No, it doesn’t
   3. We CANNOT get information from ____.
   A. listening to the radio B. watching TV
   C. reading newspapers D. sleeping
   4. The writer often uses the ____ with his study.
   A. radio B. TV C. Internet D. media
   5. Which of the following is WRONG? ____.
   A. Information is not important B. We live in the age of information now
   C. I often surf on the Internet D. We should study hard
  You speak, write a letter, make a telephone. Your words carry a message. People communicate(交流,沟通) with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.
  When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying“No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door helps you to know where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.
   1. People communicate ____.
   A. with words only B. in many different ways C. in letters and drawings D. with smiles, tears and hands
   2. Signs can carry as many ____ as words.
   A. questions B. examples C. tears and smiles D. messages
   3. Which of the following is NOT talked in the passage but can also help us communicate? ____.
   A. Books and magazines B. TV and films
   C. Newspapers D. Radio
   4. Communication is important because it can help people to ____.
   A. understand the world and other people better around us
   B. teach each other to speak, write, read and draw
   C. know what other people are thinking about
   D. learn about mountains, blue sea and other things
   5. The best title(题目) for this short passage is ____.
   A. Signs Carry Messages B. The Important Communication
   C. Words, Signs and Drawing D. Ways of Communication
  Mr. Black has a factory in New York. He’s strict with the workers and tells them to work hard and get to the factory on time. And several of them were sent away(辞退) because they were late.
  One summer afternoon, it was very hot outside. Mr. Black came to the factory. 4. He went off his car and found all the workers working hard in the sun. He was happy. Suddenly he saw a young man sitting under a big tree and drinking tea there. He became angry and came up to him. The young man didn’t say hello to him.
  5. “How much did you get in a month, young man?”
  “One thousand eight hundred dollars, sir,” the young man answered.
  Mr. Black turned to his secretary(秘书) and said, “Take him to the office and pay him two thousand dollars and let him go! I’ll never see him!”
  Soon after the young man left, a foreman(工头) came and asked, “Where’s the young man gone?”
  “Who’s he?” said Mr. Black,
  “I’m sorry I don’t know, Mr. Black,” said the foreman. “He comes to bring a message for me.”
   1. Why was Mr. Black angry when he saw the young man?
   2. What did the young man come to the factory to do?
   3. How much did Mr. Black give the young man?
   4. ______________________________________________
   5. ______________________________________________
  Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
   1. 我盼望着能再次见到你。
   I’m ____ ____ ____ ____ you again.
   2. “你的海报进展如何?” “很快就完了。”
   “____ ____ your poster ____?” “I will finish it soon.”
   3. 他正忙着给笔友写信。
   He is ____ ____ ____ his pen-friend.
   4. 今天的时装秀到此结束,我希望你们加入到我们当中来。
   ____ ____ ____ today’s fashion show. I hope you will ____ us.
   5. 我认为锻炼很枯燥,所以我很少做早操。
   I think ____ ____ to exercise, so I ____ ____ ____ ____.
  Ⅵ. 句型转换。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
   1. May I smoke here? (否定回答)
   No, ____ ____.
   2. Look! There is some milk in the glass. (改为否定句)
   Look! There ____ ____ milk in the glass.
   3. How beautiful the flowers are!(同义句)
   ____ ____ ____ they are!
   4. How do you like the film? (同义句)
   ____ do you ____ ____ the film?
   5. It’s not polite of you to come in. You don’t knock on the door. (合并为一句)
   It’s not polite of you to come in ____ ____ on the door.
  Ⅶ. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两项是多余的。(共5空,每空1分,共5分)
  A: Do you want to go to a movie with me, Ed?
  B: Yes. __1__
  A: __2__
  B: Well, I like comedies because they are funny. And I think they are great.
  A: __3__
  B: No. They are boring. And you?
  A: I don’t like documentaries, either. And __4__ because they’re scary.
  B: __5__
  A: I like Beijing Opera. It’s very interesting. My father and I like it a lot.
  A. What’s the name of the movie?
  B. So what do you like Beijing Opera?
  C. How about documentaries?
  D. That sounds good.
  E. What kind of movies do you like?
  F. I don’t like thrillers.
  G. I don’t know.
  Ⅷ. 书面表达。(15分)

  Dear sir,
  I want to join your Summer Camp to help the kids with sports and music. _________
  I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon.
确立合理的教学目标,选择适当的教学方法、教学策略,采用有效的教学手段,创设良好的教学环境,从而使我们的物理课堂更具有吸引力、魅力,更容易激发学生的学习热情,增强学生学习的动力.这样既提高了课堂效率,又为学生的自主学习,学习终身打下来坚实的基础.具体如何使我们物理课堂更具有吸引力、魅力.我结合教学实践和实际总结了如下技巧.  1 “巧”引入,导情引思  新颖的引言,巧妙的导语可以激起学生的学习兴趣,
新课程标准提出“在物理教学中,要提倡自主、探究、合作式学习,注重知识与技能,强调学习的过程与方法,并增强了对情感、态度与价值观培养”.我在物理教学中积极进行中学物理教改实验,试用了“单元式自学探究”教学模式,初见成效.  “单元式自学探究”教学模式的具体做法是:老师先把教学内容按照需要划分成教学单元,在进行新课时,教师用简单的语言引入新课后,先让学生通读课文了解本单元的基本内容,然后发给学生单元导
平面镜、球面镜、透镜都能成像.它们所成的像有正立、倒立之分;有实像、虚像之别;还有放大、缩小之差.像到镜面的距离亦有远近之别.像所在位置区间也有所不同.这些之间错综复杂,学生往往一时难以掌握.但是,这些之间互相联系、互相制约、互相转化.有着对立统一、量变引起质变等辩证的客观规律.为了便于学生理解和掌握成像规律,笔者作小结四条:  1 像的虚实与正倒有着对应关系  1.1 光学仪器所成的虚像都是正立
Ⅰ. 词汇。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)  A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出所缺单词。   1. China has a long h____. I love it very much.   2. This k____ of music CDs sells well.   3. We can l____ a lot from watching TV.   4. His sister is a
现代教学论认为,教育的本质属性是教师的价值引导和学生自主建构的辩证统一,一个成功的教师,应该是学生的引导者.在教学过程中,教师通过自身的“导演”技巧,引导学生成功演好课堂“舞台剧”.以下结合自己的教学实践,谈几点体会.  1 帮助学生制定具体的学习目标,让学生明确学习方向  教师通过认真钻研教材和大纲,根据学生的实际情况准确地制定学习目标,目标要简明扼要,不要太长.制定具体的学习目标,目的是让学生