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  On May 13, 2017, Chinese! President Xi Jinping met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban ,who came to China to attend theBelt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation, and announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. In 2017, the bilateral trade between China and Hungary achieved a record high of USD 10.14 billion, marking a 14.1 % increase over the previous year. As the first Europeancountry to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the Belt andRoad Initiative with China, Hungary has seen many highlights in its cooperation with China in economy and trade ,investment, finance, culture and many other areas. We arranged an exclusive interview with Mr. Mate Pesti, Hungary’s ambassador to China, to talk abouthis visions and expectations on the future development of China-Hungary relations under the framework of theBelt and Road Initiative.   Q: As China-Hungary cooperation and exchange are becoming increasingly close in recent years, what do you think are the opportunities facing the two countries?
  A: As one of the first countries that recognized the establishment of thePeople's Republic of China, Hungary established diplomatic ties with the PRC69 years ago. Significant changes have taken place around the world over the past 69 years, but China and Hungary have maintained sound and steady relations. As we have neither historical dispute nor conflict of interest, further enhancing our partnership conforms to the common aspirations of both countries and both peoples.
  Currently, the center of economic gravity is shifting from the West towards the East, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. China is the focal point of this shifting. Similarly, Central and Eastern Europe is the most promising and the most economically vibrant region in Europe. When we have a look at the development of countries in this region, and the data on economy growth of Europe, we will see thatCentral and Eastern Europe is now the engine for economic growth inEurope. China is now the second largest partner of Hungary, only next to the EU countries. Over the pasty ears, we have made Hungary one of the European countries with the most competitive environment for investment, enabling Hungary to attract the most investment from China among all the countries in Central andEastern Europe.
  Q: What are the highlights in China-Hungary cooperation and exchange under the BRI and the "China-CEE"cooperation framework?
  A: Hungary believes that the Belt andRoad Initiative is a magnificent project to promote the exchange betweenEastern and Western civilizations, and is the common aspiration of all the countries along the BRI. As the first European country to join the BRI,Hungary signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation within the Framework of the Silk RoadEconomic Belt and the 21st CenturyMaritime Silk Road Initiative with China in 2015, and established and launched the "Belt and Road Initiative" working group mechanism with China in 2016.We are glad to see and aspire for more progress in our cooperation.
  Central and Eastern Europe is one of the most competitive regions, with rapid economic growth in the world. China is the second largest economy in the world. We believe that the partnership between such two rapidly growing economies will be of great significance. Hungary has been one of the determined advocates of"China-CEEC (16+ 1)" cooperation, a multilateral cooperation concept which was first proposed in 2011when the first China-CEEC BusinessForum was held in Budapest. In 2012,China initiated the "16+ 1" cooperation framework. So far, it has been proven over time that this regional cooperation strategy is necessary and practical.   Q: In Central and Eastern Europe,Hungary is home to the largest population of Chinese and also the largest invested of China. What is your view about the interconnection between the two, and what unique advantages does Hungary have?
  A: Having the largest population ofChinese in Central and Eastern Europe is Hungary’s unique advantage.Many of these Chinese were bor inHungary and have lived there for several decades. They serve as a bridge for exchanges between the two peoples and the two cultures. To maintain cultural characteristics of Chinese communities, we have established complete bilingual education systems at primary, secondary and university levels in Budapest, which not only helps the two peoples better understand each other, but also helps safeguard our common economic interests. Chinese enterprises are more likely to succeed in a country and economic zone where the Chinese language and culture are widely recognized.
  Thanks to its favorable strategic location, Hungary has extended its reach to 500 million and 200 million consumers in the EU and EasternEurope, respectively. Its highly skilled labors, excellent university education, favorable geographical location, well-developed suppliers and commercial infrastructure in Hungary have attracted nearly half of the world's top 80 superlarge transnationals and their suppliers(small and medium sized) to establish long-term businesses in Hungary.For investors, Hungary is not online ideal production base, but also an extraordinary "advanced manufacturing and innovation centre" in Europe.That is in line with Hungary's plan of increasing high value - added investment projects. In addition to projects of "Made in Hungary", projects of "Created in Hungary" are receiving more and more attention.
  We are proud that Hungary has become the largest exporter toChina in Central and Eastern Europe.According to the data of the NationalBureau of Statistics of China, our exports to China increased by 25% in 2017 alone, so the export of Hungary to China hit a record USD 4 billion in 2017. In the same year, Hungary became the third largest product market of China in Central and Easten Europe and also China's third largest trading partner in this region.
  Q: Is there any advice for Chinese enterprises to invest in Hungary?   A: Attraction of Chinese investment is becoming increasingly important for Hungary. Hungary now embraces the highest investment from China inCentral and Eastern Europe, more than4.2 billion euros. In the near future, we hope that more Chinese enterpriseswill invest in Hungary following the steps of Huawei, ZTE, Wanhua, ChinaRailway, BYD, Bank of China, andLenovo. They will be provided withfavorable investment environment and policies that will help them grow.
  It is an important vision of theHungarian government to attractChinese investment. Because it is the basis for future growth of economy and can also help build Hungary into a manufacturing and innovationcenter in Central and Eastern Europe in the long run. In recent years, we have implemented a series of reform policies, including introducing foreign policies that focus on attracting FDI through foreign trade, applying one of the lowest corporate tax rates within the region, adopting one of the most flexible labor laws of ContinentalEurope, doubling finance for R&D from2016 to 2020, and establishing a higher education system that can meet the demand of the labour market. With these efforts, we have created one of the most favorable investment arenas in Europe. We hope to expand the cooperation between the two countries and deepen cooperation in innovation and technology. TheHungarian government has signed strategic cooperation agreements with six Chinese enterprises, including the country's technology and manufacturing giants as well as emerging industrialplayers. For instance, companies from the auto industry, including BYD, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors and Bohong Group.
  In terms of preferential measures ,let me make this clear: Hungary is an economy with extensive openness and our government strives to create an investor - -friendly business environment, where businesses inHungary, domestic or foreign, are subject to the same policies and regulations and will be equally treated despite of their registered domiciles.In other words, Hungary doesn't set any investment screening mechanism.Instead, we provide various incentives and subsidies to attract foreign investment, which may account for50% of the total investment.
第三方市場合作就是将中国的中端制造能力同发达国家的高端技术、先进理念结合起来,为第三国提供高水平、高性价比、更具竞争力的产品和服务,实现“三方共赢”。  两年多来,我国与相关国家开展第三方市场合作实现了良好开局。我国与法国、韩国、德国、英国、加拿大等10多个发达国家达成第三方市场合作的共识,聚焦基础设施、能源、环保、金融等优势互补领域,开展了机制化的合作,在一系列重大项目上取得了务实成果。  经过
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司高级工程师,现任中铁二二院成都公司副总经理兼总工程师,曾任巴基斯坦铁路项且指挥部常务副指挥长,兰渝铁路、川藏铁路等项且的总体设计负责人  摘要:本文在分析巴基斯坦铁路现代化必要性的基础上,建议充分利用中国铁路发展的经验、资金及规划、设计、施工和运营等建设力量,提出了巴基斯坦铁路现代化发展的目标及实施方案,以加快中巴经济走廊建设,实现中巴两国全方位的互联互通、多元化的互利
《丝绸之路全史》  作者:武斌  本书以国内外所藏考古文獻资料为基础,全方位地展示了陆海丝绸之路上丝绸、玉石、陶瓷、香料、茶叶等物品交换情况和丝绸之路上宗教文化、饮食文化、服饰文化和音乐舞蹈的传播与交流情况,为读者展示了丝绸之路的全貌。全书图文并茂,采用历史文献与考古资料、神话、传说相结合的方式,内容丰富,所涉及的时代久远、地理范围广阔,具有很高的学术价值。  《筚路蓝缕——纪工程决策建设记述》 
十九大报告立意高远、视野开阔、思想深邃、大气磅礴,体现了对共产党执政规律、中国特色社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律认识的新高度,体现了对历史负责、对党和国家负责、对人民负责的责任担当,通篇闪耀着马克思主义理论光辉,是我们党迈向新时代、开启新征程、续写新篇章的政治宣言和行动纲领。  学习贯彻党的十九大精神,要深刻领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和基本方略。要深刻领会精神实质和丰富内涵,用习近平
摘要:本文通过对中国铁路技术海外推广进行态势分析,阐述中国铁路技术海外推广面临的机遇和挑战,给出迎接挑战的策略。  Abstract: By anglicizing the state in Overseas Promotion of China Railway Survey &Design Technology, this paper expounds the challenges and op
編者按:  王义桅,中国人民大学国际关系学院教授,欧洲问题研究中心主任,本刊特约顾问。近年来,王义桅奔走于世界五十多个国家,向国王、总统、外长、学者、民众讲述“一带一路”,生动形象、深入浅出地回答了世界的中国之问、“一带一路’”之问。  我先讲几个故事来说明。第一个故事是我们去巴基斯坦的时候,看到巴基斯坦人民见到中国人就拥抱合影,对中国非常友好,我作为一个中国人感到十分自豪。在20世纪60年代,中
文化因交流而丰富,文明因互鉴而精彩。在银杏飘黄的迷人秋季,“2018成都·欧洲文化季”活动拉开帷幕,荷兰、奥地利、英国、法国、德国、捷克、波兰、瑞士、丹麦这欧洲九国携十场文化活动空降成都,音乐、美食、摄影、教育等文化元素的联袂亮相,给成都又添了一抹国际范儿。  Chinese President Xi Jinping ever said,civilizations have become rich
随着经济结构调整逐步深化,文化产业大格局初步形成。相关媒体专门就近5年来我国各地的文化产业发展情况做了如下梳理。  第一方阵继续领先  以北、上、粤、苏、浙为代表的第一梯队,进一步加快了文化产业发展。“更高、更快、更强”六个字的关键词是新目标,也是新征程。  文化产业的“北京特色”源于特殊的政治、经济、文化、教育中心地位,得“天时地利人和”之优势,更多高水平的文化企业、文化人才、产业资源与消费环境
“一带一路”建设逐渐从理念转化为行动,从愿景转变为现实,而我国的文化产业在融入“一带一路”重大倡议中,其发展现状如何?又面临何种挑战呢?  “一带一路”文化发展现状  当前,“一带一路”文化发展呈现五种现状:文化旅游业态发展显著、演艺娱乐业态依托旅游商业模式正在成长、文创产品及其营销成为热点、文化投资与运营开始起步、“互联网+文化”业态颇受期待。  在文化旅游业态发展方面,目前每周有2700多个航