企业家阶层作为社会经济生活中的特殊群体,他们的职业道德问题与企业的发展息息相关。在充满诱惑的现实世界面前,企业家应保持一个清醒的头脑,清静的心境,保有自己的高尚人格和道德操守,在创造物质财富的同时实现自己的人生价值。 另一个很重要的原因就是市场道德规范的缺位与错位。市场道德规范简单地讲就是诚实经营、平等交易、公平竞争、合法谋利,其核心是守法遵约。市场道德要求割断人伦关系,将经济关系契约化,以“法”、“约”为基础,辅以“诚信”作为市场行为的调节准则,即合法守
Entrepreneurial class as a special group in the social and economic life, their professional ethics and business development are closely related. In the temptation of the real world, entrepreneurs should maintain a sober-minded, quiet state of mind, maintain their noble personality and moral integrity, in the creation of material wealth to achieve their own life value. Another very important reason is the absence and misplaced market ethics. Market ethics simply means that honest business, equal trade, fair competition, legitimate profits, the core is compliance with compliance. Market morality requires that the relationship between men and women should be cut off, the economic relations should be contractured, the “law” and “contract” should be supplemented with “honesty and trust” as the regulating principle of market behavior, that is,