Strategies for the writing section of the senior foreign secretary qualification test

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  【Abstract】As the situation of job-hunting becoming much more competitive, more and more graduate students begin to take qualification tests to prove their abilities and qualities. Among many kinds of tests, the senior foreign secretary qualification test is an important one, especially to the students who are interested in becoming secretaries in the near future. However, the writing section in the English part of this test is unfamiliar to many students and increases the difficulty of passing it. This article is aimed at introducing the writing section and providing the readers with some useful and practical strategies.
  【Key words】strategies, the senior foreign secretary qualification test, writing section, letter-form writing, memo-form writing, notice-form writing
  【中图分类号】F293 【文章标识码】A 【文章编号】1326-3587(2012)06-0165-01
  With more and more students are taking the senior foreign secretary qualification tests, the importance of the writing section of this test becomes prominent. It takes 20 marks and means a lot to the participants who want to pass the exam. However, lots of students do not familiar with this writing section and find it uneasy to write in a correct and standard form. So, in the following part of this article, the basic forms of writing and corresponding strategies will be introduced.
  Reviewing the tests of the past few years, the writing sections of the senior foreign secretary qualification tests are not that various. The basic forms are no more than job application letters, memos, notices, replying letters and other kinds of business letters. Sometimes, there will be improper letters which require rewriting. Now, let’s have a detailed look of the basic form and how can we deal with them.
  1.letter-form writing and strategies
  Letter-form writing is the most important and difficult one. After acquiring these messages, we should immediately make a plan of three steps in our minds. The first step is to ensure the proper form, in other words, the physical appearance of the letter should be correct.
  Usually, an English letter concludes 1) the heading, 2)the inside address, 3) the salutation, 4) the body, 5) the complimentary close, 6) the signature, 7) the enclosure, and 8) the postscript.
  But in our senior foreign secretary qualification test, several parts can be omitted, such as the enclosure and the postscript. There’s one more thing deserves our attention, the spaces between each parts. Except for the four spaces between heading part and inside address part and also the complimentary close part and signature part, all the other parts have only two spaces among each other.
  If you have conquered this kind of form, then we can go to the second step, that is the body. We need to make a content plan before we write down our words. This part should be logical and clear for readers to understand. If you have several themes to convey, then you have to write several paragraphs. Each paragraph has one main thesis. If the content is quite simple, you can write the whole body in just one paragraph.
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