8 0年代以来 ,农村宗族势力的抬头蔓延 ,原因是多方面的 ,既有宗法观念根深蒂固和亲族群体聚族而居的客观历史原因 ,也有国家在农村行政力量的弱化和农村精神文明建设滑坡的客观现实原因。同时 ,也有目前农民在精神心理和生产生活方面对宗族势力依附需求的主观原因。多层次、多视角分析农村宗族势力抬头的原因 ,探讨相应的控制对策 ,具有重要的积极意义
Since the 1980s, the rise of the clan forces in rural areas has been spreading for many reasons. Both the objective and historical reasons for the clandestine concept of patriarchal clan and for the ethnic groups to live together in the same family are the objective and historical reasons for the weakening of the administrative power in rural areas and the decline of rural spiritual civilization Objective reality reasons. At the same time, there are also the subjective reasons why peasants are currently dependent on clan forces in terms of their spiritual and productive lives. Multi-level, multi-perspective analysis of the reasons for the rise of rural clan forces to explore the appropriate control measures, has an important positive significance