计算了福州市公交的生态足迹,并进行了定量对比分析。结果表明,福州市1989—2009年公交总生态足迹呈直线上升的趋势,从1989年的233.22 hm2增加至2009年的19 160.07 hm~2,增加了81倍,其中,化石能源生态足迹所占比重相当大,从1989年的68%增加至2009年的89%。伴随着城市化的进程,公交出行率不断增加,每人次公交出行的生态足迹呈现抛物线的关系。1989—2004年呈上升趋势,2004—2009年呈下降趋势,2009年每人次生态足迹为0.24 m~2。同时,对比福州市的几种主要出行工具,综合出行时间和环境压力,公交是最值得推荐的一种出行方式。
The ecological footprint of Fuzhou bus was calculated and compared quantitatively. The results showed that the total ecological footprint of public transport increased linearly in 1989-2009 in Fuzhou, increasing from 233.22 hm2 in 1989 to 19 160.07 hm2 in 2009, an increase of 81 times. Among them, the proportion of the ecological footprint of fossil fuels Quite large, from 68% in 1989 to 89% in 2009. With the process of urbanization, the travel rate of public transport has been increasing continuously. The ecological footprint of public transport trips per person shows a parabolic relationship. From 1989 to 2004, it showed an upward trend. From 2004 to 2009, it showed a downward trend. In 2009, the ecological footprint per person was 0.24 m 2. At the same time, compared to Fuzhou several major travel tools, comprehensive travel time and environmental pressure, the bus is the most recommended way to travel.