Active Learning:The Approaches to Creating an Active Atmosphere in the College English Classroom

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  【Abstract】Practice makes perfect.From the teaching practices I realize that we should proceed with an active classroom atmosphere,so as to raise students’ interests in English learning,and thereby improve the efficiency of English classes and raise teaching quality.In China,we can see there are a lot of problems in the traditional classroom,i.e.the students sit with expressionless face looking at the teacher,they raise their hands to answer questions with great care,teachers and students are lack of communication.This situation is extremely negative for English teaching.Therefore,we must try our best to improve this situation in order to create active learning in the classroom.
  1.Definition:What is active learning and why is it important?
  Research consistently has shown that traditional lecture methods,in which professors talk and students listen,dominate college and university classrooms.It is therefore important to know the nature of active learning.In China,we can see there are a lot of problems in the traditional classroom,i.e.the students sit with expressionless face looking at the teacher,they raise their hands to answer questions with great care,teachers and students are lack of communication.This situation is extremely negative for English teaching.Therefore,we must try our best to improve this situation in order to create an active English classroom atmosphere.So it is
  Educators' use of the term "active learning" has relied more on intuitive understanding than a common definition.So that “many faculty assert that all learning is inherently active and that students are therefore actively involved while listening to formal presentations in the classroom.In my opinion English and Chinese language learning is different from each other.For many students,English learning is more difficult and unpractical,so it’s more important for us to develop the students’ interests in learning this discipline through teaching activities.It is the main point of active learning to lead them to a sense of joy and accomplishment.Students must do more than just listen:They must read,write,discuss,or be engaged in solving problems.Most important,to be actively involved,students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis,synthesis,and evaluation.These strategies are important in the classroom because of their powerful impact upon students’ is proposed that “strategies promoting active learning be defined as instructional activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are doing”   2.How to create the excitement in the classroom ?
  For a large number of students,due to so many differences between English and Chinese,English learning is more difficult and unpractical,so we should take the responsibility to develop the students’ interests in learning this subject through teaching activities,which can give them pleasure and sense of accomplishment.How to create the excitement in the classroom and how can active learning be incorporated in the classroom? I think in our teaching,we can start from the following points:
  To Establish a Harmonious relationship between teacher and students
  A harmonious relationship between teacher and students carry great “affinity” in education.The teaching practices have proved that if students love a teacher,they will also love the curriculum taught by the teacher,just like the old saying goes,“Love me,love my dog”.Just as Nida,a famous Chinese educationist,once pointed out that “Respect the master,follow his doctrine”.He has suggested that emotion also has the function of migration.“The students’ emotion to their teacher can be transferred into the motivation of learning”
  To create a lively classroom atmosphere
  If the teacher’s personality and decent behavior patterns are the premise to attract the students’ interests in their courses,then the teacher’s exquisite teaching art and skills are the key factors for the students to become enthusiastic about the course.We should try hard to create a free learning environment,so that the children and teachers can breathe freely in the classroom.Without such a good teaching environment,any kind of teaching method will not work”.As an English teacher,it’s very important for him/her to make every class lively and interesting.The teachers should regulate the classroom atmosphere in an effective way to deepen the English teaching and improve the students’ ability of self-study.So that we can create an active atmosphere in the class through the following ways:
  Doing activities in class is one of the most useful strategies promoting active learning.“You must create a supportive intellectual and emotional environment that encourages students to take risks”.Activities include singing,dancing,saying proverbs,tongue twister,skit performance,English speech and etc,which are known as the essence of language.In this way you can create a supportive intellectual and emotional environment.They play an important role in promoting the students’ rhythm of the language and fostering their interests in literature.Teachers can select some songs and idioms involved in the teaching courses according to the contents of the course.For example,when we mention the proverb “where there is a river,there is a city”,we can add two additional English idioms alike “where there is a will,there is a way”,and “where there is smoke,there is fire”.This can arise the students’ great interests.Story-telling is also a very good way.Exaggerated language and motions can stimulate students’ interest and focus their attention.   To create a favorable language environment
  I often try to create an interesting language environment in the process of teaching so as to exert the students’ imagination.For example,I arrange some students to play roles in the dialogue performance with lifelike expressions and actions,and the others in the class will be attracted by their acting.From the acting,the students can improve themselves in learning English.
  To Tap the students’ potentiality and foster their self-confidence
  Stern,a well-known American educationist,suggested that a student with full of emotion in study will learn more easily and quickly than those who are lack of passion,pleasure and interest in study,or those who are afraid of study.Active learning process is coordinated with the development of factors of both intelligence and emotion.Take the students’ “intelligence quotient” and “emotion quotient” as an example;we can compare their “intelligence quotient” to a part breaking the surface of “water”,and their “emotion quotient” to a large portion submerging in the“water”.In view of this,we should try to tap the students’ emotion quotient so as to unite their cognition and emotion for the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of English teaching and truly improving their English.Everyone is eager to get some achievements and gain recognition and attention by others,in order to exert themselves and achieve self-value.For students,they hope that their learning results can cause the attention of teachers and students,and the feeling of success can increase their confidence,which will encourage them to do better so as to accomplish a higher goal.With this kind of psychological advantage,the students will perform more positively in class.
  Application of the teaching method of audio-visual media
  As our students live in a world of Chinese lacking a favorable English language environment,how can they study English well? We can make full use of the multimedia classrooms,play English movies and songs regularly for students.“To make use of audio-visual media in our teaching can engage students’ feeling,sight and hearing”.In addition,the vivid pictures and beautiful music can create a pleasant and harmonious learning environment.The students’ interests in learning English will be stimulated with the teaching content changed from abstract to concrete.As a result,the classroom atmosphere can be activated and the teaching efficiency can be increased.   3.Conclusion
  To summarize,teachers should make use of all beneficial factors to activate the classroom atmosphere and enhance the students’ interests and enthusiasm in learning English.We also need to take full advantage of the corresponding audio-teaching tools,action performance,wall charts and material objects,and establish a good language environment according to the text.Use of these techniques in the classroom is vital because of their powerful impact upon student’s learning.Thus,the students will feel they are in a world of English.This pleasant class atmosphere and colorful teaching content will enable the students to master every practical expression in an active atmosphere.As long as this,the students’ learning initiative can be mobilized and they will become the subject in learning,and then the classroom atmosphere will be truly activated.
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著名教育家陶行知先生说:“教学艺术就在于设法引起学生的兴味,有了兴味就肯用全副的精力去做事体。”情境教学就是一种促使教学过程变成一种永远能引起学生极大的兴趣,能激发学生向知识领域不断探索的教育方法。正如布鲁姆所说:“成功的外语课堂教学应当在课内创设更多的情境,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料。”在英语教学过程中,教师要充分创设情境调动学生的思维,使学生会探索、会学习、会运用英语。  一、情境导趣,
高中物理会考,是评价学生在中学阶段对物理基础知识掌握程度的一个重要手段。在组织学生会考复习中要以“注重基础,提高能力”为导向,除重视基本概念、基本规律、基本思想方法的复习外,还应重视培养学生解决物理实际问题的能力。在高中新课程理念下的学习方式中,提倡学生进行自主学习,它是在一定教学条件下的学生主动参与到学习过程中的学习,是对学生主体性的强调。  根据会考要求、现行会考的实际情况及高考的改革趋势,我
【摘要】着新课程改革的推进,计算机课程越来越被重视,计算机课程的有效教学也成为广大教师学者十分关注的问题,本文就当前我过高中阶段计算机教学的现状分析出发,来探讨如何实现计算机课程教学的有效性。  【关键词】课程改革;计算机教学;有效性  新课程背景下的计算机真正追求的是什么?是每位教育工作者需要考虑的问题。伴随新课程改革的实施,高中阶段计算机教学有效性的提升一直在广大教师和学者间如火如荼的探讨和研
【摘要】从事数学教学15年,深知学生要想学好数学,首先必须学好计算,计算是数学基础中的基础,计算能力的高低,直接影响学习数学的能力。培养小学生具有一定的计算能力,更是小学教学中的一项重要任务。然而,目前低年级学生的计算能力不容乐观。学生在计算过程中经常会出现这样或那样的问题。下面结合我校开展的 “在课堂教学中提高小学生计算能力的研究”的课题研究活动中的实践经验,谈一谈低年级学生在计算过程中常见的问
【摘要】朗读作为一项重要事务,在小学语文教学中是必不可少的。在阅读教学中,朗读体现的作用不可获取,因此应对其朗读训练进行足够关注。在语言文学教学过程中,必须对学生对课文中存在的思想情感的体会及理解进行引导,促使在对语言文字的学习过程中,学生能够被我国传统优秀文化所吸引,从而提升学生的整体语文水平。  【关键词】小学语文;教育教学;朗读训练;方法  一、明确恰当的朗读目的  要求老师在备课的过程中,
这学期由于我校三(3)班的教师变动,导致班主任一职空缺。在校长的信任下,决定让我带这个班的班主任。听到这个消息既兴奋又忐忑。兴奋那是因为我从教以来,没有带过班主任,想尝试一下新鲜的事物,因而很兴奋;忐忑,怕自己不能胜任。但是,我心里想:不想做一个优秀的班主任,只想做一个合格的班主任。  由于这学期又负责我校的教导工作。因此,开学前两天委托语文老师带我班进行报名。对于学生,我一概不知。决定把开学忙完
【摘要】高中阶段英语课程难度无疑是加大了,教学的任务也更加繁重了,“五严禁令”的提出更是对课堂教学提出了新的挑战——课时减少了,课堂教学任务加重了,激活英语课堂,提高效率势在必行。笔者经过不断地学习和教学实践总结出几点激活课堂,提高效率的方法。  【关键词】激活;英语课堂;学习效率  新课标对高中生应达到的英语水平要求更高,要掌握的词汇量更大,学习难度更大。因此,要让学生学好高中英语,教师必须要考
孔子认为,人的智力有智愚之分,人的性格有鲁雅之异,人的心理状态有勇进与退缩之别,每个人的潜质有不同的发展趋势,因此教学中,必须根据这些不同的心理特点,因人而异,因材施教,才能获得理想的教育效果。  我曾教过这样一个学生,叫燕小鹏。他一上课就坐在座位上发呆,或是东张西望,或是做小动作,作业本上,一个字也不写。我听说他喜欢顽皮球,我就专门去体育器材室取了一个皮球,把它放在我的办公室,并且告诉他,什么时