计算机技术日益成熟、发展,信息网络化已经成为现实。21世纪,将有上亿台计算机、几百万个子网接入因特网,用户将会达到十亿以上。毋庸置疑,21世纪将是网络传播时代。曲艺界有些先生很是忧心忡忡:曲艺现在就已经被电视冲击得七零八落、狼狈不堪了。面对着即将到来的网络传播的巨大冲击,曲艺艺术的前景又将会是什么样子呢? 一 毫无疑问,在网络传播时代,曲艺的主要传播媒介也必然会由网络所取代。那,网络传播将会给
Computer technology is increasingly mature, development, information network has become a reality. In the 21st century, there will be hundreds of millions of computers and millions of subnets accessing the Internet with more than 1 billion users. Needless to say, the 21st century will be the age of internet communication. Some art troupes are very worried about the song: Qu Arts has now been hit by television tumbled, find any. In the face of the huge impact of the forthcoming internet dissemination, what is the future of the art of folk art? There is no doubt that in the era of internet dissemination, the main medium of opera is bound to be replaced by the internet. Then, internet communication will be given