A Comparative Study Of New Criticism&Semiotic Criticism——In Terms Of Their View Of The Relationship

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As we know,new criticism is the post—world school of critical theory insists onthe intrinsic value of work of art and focusses on the individual work alone asan independent unit of meaning.It is opposed to the critical practice of bringing histori-cal of brographical data to bear on the anterpretation of a work.To the new critocs,poet-.ry was a special kind of discourse,a means of communicating feeling and thought thatwould not be expressed in any other kind of language.It differed qualitatively from thelanguage of science,or philosophy,but it converyed valid meanings.Such critics set outto define and formalize the qualities of poetic thought and languagege,using the techniqueof close reading with special emphasis on the implicative values of works and on the vari-ous function of figurative language—imagery,metaphor and symbol—in the work. As we know, new criticism is the post-world school of critical theory insists on the intrinsic value of work of art and focusses on the individual work alone as an independent unit of meaning. It is opposed to the critical practice of bringing histori-cal of brographical data to bear on the anterpretation of a work.To the new critocs, poet-.ry was a special kind of discourse, a means of communicating feeling and thought thatwould not be expressed in any other kind of language.It differed qualitatively from the language of science, or philosophy, but it converyed valid meanings. Yet critics set outto define and formalize the qualities of poetic thought and languagege, using the technique of close reading with special emphasis on the implicative values ​​of works and on the vari-ous function of figurative language -imagery, metaphor and symbol-in the work.
2011年8月18日,全球最大的PC厂商惠普披露了三条令人震惊的消息:考虑分拆或出售PC业务部门;放弃去年刚收购的WebOS操作系统;发出102亿美元收购英国软件公司Autonomy Corp的要
将触角延伸到二、三线的地级城市乃至县级城市,通过长时间的地域化扩张和深入行业化经营,用友成功探索出一条独特的跨区域合作模式。    几个月前,用友发布了一份光鲜的上半年财报,其营业收入达到14.63亿元人民币,同比增长60.9%,净利润1.22亿元,是去年同期的3.6倍。  支撑这份财报的,很大程度归功于用友战略上实行的跨区域合作模式。在2010年全年,用友新设立了37家分子公司(包括国内分子公司
1.签名鞋通常是倍受尊敬和经验丰富的“高手”的一种象征,但有些“高手”比许多滑手都年轻。现在20岁的Bastien Salabanzi成为了有自己签名鞋的最年轻的职业滑手,Vans公司在
《纪德的态度》(三联书店,一九九四年)一书,共收张若名关于法国文学的研究评介文章五篇,其中除两篇是专谈纪德的以外,还有三篇也或多或少涉及了这位作家。    纪德是谁?纪德是个什么样的人,什么样的作家?  一九四九年以后,法国作家纪德的名字,长久地从中国大陆上消失了……   纪德这样一位有世界影响的法国作家,何以遭到如此冷遇?    邵燕祥见到这本书,写了一篇《纪德的知音》(《读书》,一九九五年第三
读了刘小枫的《记恋冬妮娅》后,我也有些记恋冬妮娅了。《钢铁是怎样炼成的》我只读过一遍,是前几年的事,对冬妮娅也有几分喜爱。我一向喜欢有喜剧性结尾的故事,所以很希望她跟保尔一同上了那列火车。  我同意作者的看法,每个人都有选择的自由,保尔没有理由和权利粗鲁地对待冬妮娅。而且以现代的观点看,冬妮娅的选择更是无可厚非的。  但是,我想保尔一定相信他的“整个生命和全部精力都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业”,谁能