现在巴黎满大街上都可见到的法国橙色(Orange)电信公司,其前身是鼎鼎有名的原法国电信公司(France Télécom)。“法国电信”诞生于1988年法国电信总局与法国邮电局(PTT)分家之际,成为后来法国电信业的龙头企业。从2006年起,法国电信公司将其服务改在“Orange(橙色)”品牌下进行开发与营销;直至2013年5月,法国电信在年度股东大会上通过了一项重大改革决定,即整个公司从2013年7月1日起更名
The French Orange telecommunications company now visible on the streets of Paris, formerly known as France Télécom. “France Telecom ” was born in 1988 when France Telecom and the French Post Office (PTT) separated, became the leading French telecommunications industry. Since 2006, BT has changed its service to develop and market under the “Orange (Orange)” brand. Until May 2013, France Telecom passed a major reform decision at the Annual General Meeting, namely The entire company changed its name from July 1, 2013