磁共振扩散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)是在扩散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)基础上发展起来的一项新技术,主要用于中枢神经系统的组织形态学改变与病理学的细微分析研究。多发性硬化(multiple sclero-sis,MS)是中枢神经系统最常见的脱髓鞘性疾病,DTI
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a new technique developed on the basis of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), which is mainly used for the change of histomorphology and pathology in central nervous system Subtle analysis. Multiple sclero-sis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease in the central nervous system. DTI