例1 患男,2d,以异常烦躁、哭闹6h收住入院。患儿出生48h后无明显诱因出现异常烦躁、哭闹,颜面皮肤潮红、出汗、流泪、流涕、激惹、四肢颤抖、吸吮动作频繁,哺乳时急不可待,吸吮有力,吸吮数口即拒奶拒水。患儿系1胎0产,38周胎龄, 剖宫产,体重3200g,生后无窒息。其母在孕期有吸毒史,毒品为海洛因,吸毒时间8个月。查体:T37~38℃,P130~150次/min,R60~80次/min,发育营养良好,精神佳,烦躁不安,颜面及全身皮肤潮红,前囟门不紧张,眼、耳、口、鼻无异常,口周
Example 1 suffering from men, 2d, with abnormal irritability, crying 6h admitted to hospital. Children born 48h after no obvious incentive for abnormal irritability, crying, facial flushing, sweating, tearing, runny nose, irritability, trembling limbs, sucking movements are frequent, breastfeeding urgent, sucking a few mouthfuls of that Refuse milk water. Children with 1 fetus 0 births, 38 weeks gestational age, cesarean section, weight 3200g, after birth, no asphyxia. The mother has a history of drug abuse during pregnancy, drugs for heroin, drug abuse time of 8 months. Physical examination: T37 ~ 38 ℃, P130 ~ 150 beats / min, R60 ~ 80 beats / min, good nutrition, good spirits, restlessness, facial and systemic skin flushing, anterior fontanel not nervous, eyes, ears, mouth, nose No abnormalities, mouth weeks