元话语这一术语首次由Harris于1959年提出,随后,各方面语言学专家从不同角度对其进行了阐释。但迄今为止,研究领域还不够宽泛。自称语(self mention)作为互动型元话语的一大分类,很少有人对其进行系统的研究,更没有人对英汉自称语进行过对比研究。本文借用Hyland元话语中的自称语这一概念,对中国不同历史时期的自称语进行分类和阐释,并对比分析英汉自称语在表述上的特点。
The term meta-discourse was first proposed by Harris in 1959, and then linguistic experts in various fields explained it from different perspectives. So far, however, research has not been broad enough. Self mention (self mention) as a major category of interactive meta-discourse, few people systematically study it, and no one compared the English-Chinese self-proclaimed language. This article borrows the concept of self-proclaimed language in meta-discourse of Hyland to classify and explain the self-proclaimed language in different historical periods in China and to compare and analyze the characteristics of the self-proclaimed language in English and Chinese.