第二届北京国际系统仿真与科学计算学术会议于1992年10月20日在北京国际饭店召开。经过三天富有成效的学术交流,于10月23日晚举行闭幕式和告别宴会。会议在祥和,友和气氛中圆满结束。 这次国际会议是中国系统仿真学会组织召开的BICSC系列会议的第二次会议。会议联合发起单位有欧洲仿真学会联合会(EUROSIM),国际仿真中的数字和计算机协会(IMACS),日本仿真技术学会(JSST)和美国计算机仿真跨国学会(SCSI)。到会的国际各仿真学会负责人有:EUROSIM主席
The 2nd Beijing International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing was held at Beijing International Hotel on October 20, 1992. After three fruitful academic exchanges, the closing ceremony and farewell dinner were held on the evening of October 23. The conference was successfully concluded in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. This international conference is the second meeting of BICSC series meeting organized by China System Simulation Society. The conference co-sponsors are EUROSIM, IMACS, JSST and SCSI. International simulation experts who attend the meeting are: EUROSIM chairman