功能性疾患眼部症状发生率比眼科工作者所想象的要高,尤其是癔病,临床中如有病情值得怀疑的话,首先要除外器质性病变及精神器质合并存在的可能;同时也要与诈盲相鉴别。这不是一件轻而易举的事,稍一不慎,必然会造成诊疗上的失误,轻则浪费医药,延长病苦,重则贻误器质性病变及时治疗,导致不可回逆的视功能损害。临床实践中我们会体较深,特选记较典型病例如下: 例1 吴×男14岁学生。平日沉默寡言,自尊心强。每年考试成绩均名列前茅。1960年夏毕业考试前突然双眼失明,该校领导派专车于6月26日送来我院就诊,门诊检查,除两眼光感消失
Occurrence of functional disorders Eye symptoms than the high expectations of ophthalmologists, especially hysteria, if the clinical condition is questionable, first of all have to exclude the possibility of organic disease and the existence of the spirit of the substance; also have to Differentiation and fraud. This is not an easy task. A slightest mistake will inevitably result in mistakes in diagnosis and treatment, which will result in waste of medicine, prolongation of hardship, delay in timely treatment of organic disease, and irreversible impairment of visual function. Clinical practice, we will be deeper, select the typical record is as follows: Example 1 Wu × male 14-year-old student. Weekday quiet, self-esteem. The annual exam results are among the best. Suddenly both eyes blind before the summer graduation exam in 1960, the school leaders in the car on June 26 sent to our hospital for treatment, out-patient examination, in addition to light perception disappeared