一、可持续概念及其由来 最先提出“可持续”(Sutainability)概念的是挪威首相Gro Brundtland,她在1987年把可持续表述为“为后代留下充足的资源,使他们能享有同我们类似的生活质量”。1980年代后期,世界环境与发展委员会则将“可持续发展”(Sustainable Development)表达为“发展满足当代人的需要,又不影响后代人满足他们自身需要的能力”。我国国家计委、国家科委在关于进一步推动实施《中国21世纪议程》的意见中,将可持续发展定义为:“可持续发展就是既要考虑当前发展的需要,又要考虑未来发展的需要,不以牺牲后代
I. THE CONCEPTUALITY OF SUSTAINABLE CONDITIONS AND THEIR INITIATIVES The first concept of “sustainability” was put forward by the Norwegian Prime Minister, Gro Brundtland. She stated in 1987 that sustainability means “giving sufficient resources for future generations so that they can enjoy the same Similar quality of life.“ In the late 1980s, the World Commission on Environment and Development expressed ”Sustainable Development“ as ”the ability to meet the needs of the present generation without affecting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." In the opinion of the State Development Planning Commission and the State Science and Technology Commission on further promoting the implementation of China’s Agenda 21, we define sustainable development as: “Sustainable development means not only considering the needs of current development, but also considering the need for future development. Not sacrifice at the expense of future generations