随着中国历史发生最伟大的变革 ,2 0世纪的学术文化史也呈现出斑斓而复杂的特点。大体而言 ,是一个由古典型的终结到古典向现代转型再到现代型完成的过程。但是 ,2 0世纪又是一个历经风雨和曲折的时代 ,在民族的磨难和社会的动荡之中 ,学术文化亦受到严重的摧残 ,这其中自有许多教训应当吸取。就文学学术史而言 ,世纪之初的文化转型促使文学研究观念变革 ,带来了最初的繁荣 ,并在本世纪的前半期形成大师辈出的局面。本世纪的后半期 ,先是由于众所周知的原因 ,造成文化学术的荒芜 ,而至近 2 0年 ,随着改革开放和思想解放的大潮 ,促使文学研究在东西文明对话和中外文化交流的背景上出现了更为繁盛的局面。在新的世纪之交 ,对 2 0世纪百年学术的回顾 ,已成学术界的自觉意识 ,本刊近年亦常致力于此 ,本期再就文学史、骈体文、宫体诗以及戏曲理论等学术热点问题推出一组学术史世纪回顾的论文 ,希望能在总结经验的基础上为推进新世纪文学研究的发展尽一份绵薄之力。
With the greatest change in Chinese history, the history of academic culture in the 20th century also showed a gorgeous and complex character. In general, it is a process from the termination of the classical type to the transformation from the classical to the modern to the modern type. However, the 20th century was another stormy and tortuous era. In the course of national tribulation and social turmoil, the academic culture was also severely damaged. Among these, many lessons should be learned. As far as academic history of literature is concerned, the cultural transformation at the beginning of the century led to the transformation of the notion of literary studies that brought the first prosperity and formed a generation of masters in the first half of this century. In the latter half of this century, the academic and cultural desolation was first caused by well-known reasons. In the recent 20 years, along with the tide of reform and opening up and the emancipation of the mind, literary research has emerged in the context of the dialogue between the East and the West and the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures More prosperous situation. At the turn of the new century, the review of century-old scholarship in the 20th century has become a conscious awareness of the academic community. In recent years, this magazine has always devoted itself to this study. In this issue, on the history of literature, prose, palace poetry and opera theory Academic hot issue launched a group of academic history review paper, hoping to summarize the experience on the basis of promoting the development of literature in the new century to make a modest contribution.