“79-2”是湖南农科院作物所于1973年用生长势强、丰产性好的“甘油1号”作母本,与早熟性好、地理远缘的青油系统品种“306”作父本杂交,经多次单株选择培育而成的一个早中熟甘蓝型油菜新品系。1977年进入株系鉴定,折合亩产322.6斤,较对照“湘油 5号”显著增产,居供试11个品系
“79-2” is the result of “306” by the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Crops in 1973 with “Glycerol 1” with strong growth and high yield as the female parent, and with good precocity and geographical remoteness Parental cross, after a number of individual selection and breeding of a new early-maturing Brassica napus new lines. 1977 into the line identification, equivalent to 322.6 kg per mu, compared with the control “Hunan oil 5” significantly increased production, for the test 11 strains