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商务部外贸司有关官员在日前举行的“2003中国肉食品安全论坛”上指出,我国肉食品进出口贸易明年将延续进增出降的局面,进口压力将继续增大,而出口形势则更为严峻。这位官员表示,根据加入世界贸易组织的承诺,我国农产品进口关税明年将再降2个百分点,至15.8%。我国肉食品主要进口来源地,如美国、欧盟和拉美等有意进一步打开我肉食品市场大门,而且随着国民经济的高速增长,肉类消费需求也继续增加,消费者对高品质肉食品的需求量不断上升。这一切都将推高明年的肉食品进口量。我国肉食品出口之路却是越来越难行。这位官员指出,国外实施的日趋严格的限制是我国肉食品出口所面临的一大障碍。在我国加入世贸组织之前,农产品出口多受数量限制,而在此之后,一些国家出台的花样不断翻新的技术壁垒成了我国肉食品出口必须面对的挑战。一些国家还利用舆论宣传夸大中国农产品存在的问题。导致本国消费者对中国农产品的排斥心理,以致于中国产品在当地无人问津,只得退出市场。随着美国大选年的来临,竞选各方必然会在农业等敏感问题上大做文章,这肯定会对包括肉食品在内的我国农产品的出口造成一定影响。 Relevant officials from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce pointed out at the “2003 China Meat Safety Forum” that the import and export trade of meat products in China will continue to increase and decrease next year. The pressure on imports will continue to increase while the export situation More serious. According to the official’s accession to the World Trade Organization, the official said that China’s import tariffs on agricultural products will drop another two percentage points next year to 15.8%. The main sources of meat imports in China, such as the United States, the European Union and Latin America, intend to further open the door to my meat market, and with the rapid growth of the national economy, the demand for meat consumption also continues to increase, and consumer demand for high quality meat products The amount is rising. All this will push up the meat imports next year. China’s meat exports is more and more difficult. The official pointed out that the increasingly stringent restrictions imposed by foreign countries are a major obstacle to the export of meat products in our country. Before China’s accession to the WTO, the export of agricultural products was subject to a number of restrictions. Since then, the technical barriers that have been constantly retrofitted by some countries have become the challenges that our meat exports must face. Some countries also make use of public opinion to exaggerate the problems of China’s agricultural products. Resulting in the exclusion of Chinese consumers of Chinese agricultural products so that Chinese products are unattended in the local market and have to be withdrawn from the market. With the advent of the U.S. presidential election, all parties to the campaign will inevitably make a big fuss over such sensitive issues as agriculture, which will surely affect the export of China’s agricultural products, including meat products, to some extent.
<正>The 2012 US presidential election campaign has unveiled itself.Current President Obama has earned credits for having no scandal,no major policy mistake,stro
<正>Russia-US relations are a main focus in the international arena. According to some media,'Russia-US relations hold the key to many
<正> 严羽是宋代著名的诗歌理论家,他的《沧浪诗话》在中国文学批评史上有很高的地位和影响。他又是一位诗人,其诗歌作品汇辑成《沧浪吟》,思想、艺术成就不高,前人颇不以为重。但很有特色,其中不仅提供一些了解南宋后期社会历史面貌的参考资料,还可从中察知一些严羽的思想和生平。特别是通过对严羽思想和创作的探索,更有助于深入理解《沧浪诗话》所阐发的理论观点。从这个角度出发,研究《沧浪吟》,对研究严羽的诗歌理论,将会有所开拓。
<正> 谢俊华同志著的《沈水知艺录》近由春风文艺出版社出版,捧读之余,思绪万千。卢梭说过:“为了认识人,就必须从他们的行为中去认识他们。”的确,读罢此书,人们会倍加认识和了解作者其人其文。这部论文选集与其说是以他十年来撰写的文章编就而成,倒不如说是他在艺术的殿堂里遨游而采集下来的丰硕果实而更恰当些。俊华同志多年来一直供职于文化艺术单位,作为地方党政部门的领导干部,像他那样博学多识,