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  瞿弦和說:“我热爱温州,依恋温州,我为温州自豪。温州人有着勤劳、团结的美德,不仅如此,温州还有着丰厚的文化底蕴……”这位长年在外的温州人,总是以温州为荣;同样,温州人也以瞿弦和为荣。   Qu Xianhe and His   Hometown Wenzhou
  By Qu Dongsheng
  Nostalgia is a beautiful thing, but it can be transformed into something even more beautiful, as we learned recently after our encounter with Qu Xianhe, whose voice art, dedication and blazing love and passion elevates his hometown, Wenzhou, into the highest leagues of China’s cultural hall of fame. Qu Xianhe is best known for his recitals of ancient poems. Millions in China have heard him cite ancient poems in unexpectedly beautiful ways.
  “Here are gathered all the illustrious persons and assembled both the old and the young. Here are tall mountains and majestic peaks, trees with thick foliage and tall, refreshing bamboos. Here are also clear streams and gurgling rapids. …”
  When immersing himself in the soothing, solemn atmosphere of a grand literati gathering held in his hometown, Wenzhou, on October 21, 2018, Qu Xianhe saw his long-cherished wish come true. The performing artist’s recitation of , an essay penned by China’s greatest calligrapher Wang Xizhi (303-361), put a perfect finale to the autumnal outing set in the mesmerizing beauty of the Nanxi River. Qu’s recital was witnessed by the local audience as well as about 150 journalists from across China.
  For the Wenzhou gathering, Qu Xianhe had rescheduled his work in Beijing and came all the way down to Wenzhou to appear as a guest performer for free. “It felt like a call from my hometown, where my heart and soul forever belong, and I felt like I was here after a long journey that took a whole lifetime,” Qu Xianhe recalls.
  Qu’s father, Qu Liang, was born in Wenzhou. His mother was from Jiaxing, a city in northern Zhejiang. “I knew my ancestral roots were in Zhejiang when I was a little boy,” Qu Xianhe shares.
  “My father talked little about his younger, stormy years, and it was not until after he passed away that I managed to piece together the jigsaw puzzle of his life. He was a great man and a dedicated revolutionist, an unsung hero who took part in the Nanchang Uprising in 1927 and many other lofty causes.”
  Qu Xianhe was born in 1944 in Indonesia, where his parents made a living as teachers. The family moved back to China in 1950, when Qu Xianhe had just finished his first year in grade school. The family lived peacefully in Beijing, with his father teaching at the Di’anmen Middle School.
  Qu Xianhe graduated from the Department of Performing Arts of the Central Drama Academy in 1965. Over the next three decades, he held many important positions including the director of China Coal Mine Art Troupe, contributing his voice talent to radio stations and TV and dubbing for more than a hundred films.   For Qu Xianhe, who calls himself “son of Wenzhou”, his hometown is a familiar stranger. “My craving for Wenzhou was so strong that every time my father spoke the Wenzhou dialect I’d pester him to speak more. How I wished I could see Wenzhou with my own eyes someday.”
  Qu’s first visit to what he calls “hometown” was in June of 1998. That year, he and his wife took part in the opening ceremony of the Jinhua-Wenzhou Railway, the first railway to link Wenzhou with the outside world. Since then, he has taken every opportunity to revisit Wenzhou.
  At the 2nd World Wenzhounese Extravaganza held at the Wenzhou Sports Center on November 8, 2008, Qu Xianhe expressed his profound love for his hometown again. When he recited “Where even birds are nowhere to see, there are Wenzhounese”, tears blurred his eyes. It was one of his most unforgettable shows.
  Qu Xianhe was in Wenzhou again in the winter of 2013 to take part in a music and poet recitation gathering staged at the Wenzhou Grand Theatre.
  Wenzhounese have long been a leader in China’s performing art, standing out in various national competitions. Qu Xianhe is one of the most dazzling stars and an outstanding contributor and promoter behind the unfailing vigor of the performing artist community of Wenzhou. “Wenzhou produced a galaxy of world-class performing artists, as represented by soprano Xia Yang and a group of award-winning dancers including Huang Doudou, the greatest dancer ever produced by Wenzhou.” Qu Xianhe shares, his eyes shining with pride.
  In 2018, Qu Xianhe shared his love and nostalgia for his hometown again in an article written for Wenzhou Daily in celebration of the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and open-up to the outside world. “All people from Wenzhou have a thousand reasons to feel proud. At the age of 74, I am happy to see the emerging power of so many young Wenzhounese bringing new colors and diversity to the stage of the country’s performing arts.”
  Every time Qu Xianhe is back in Wenzhou, he visits his nephew’s restaurant to indulge himself in authentic local cuisine. He likens himself to a child coming back home to rediscover the joy of grandma’s cooking.
  “I love Wenzhou so much that it has become a complex for me; it is beyond description,” enthuses Qu Xianhe.
百年越音,古城傳韵。10月12日至28日,由文化和旅游部、浙江省人民政府共同主办的第四届中国越剧艺术节在绍兴举行。新编越剧《王阳明》等24台精选优秀剧目精彩上演。同时,100场演出进乡村、进社区、进校园。  2006年越剧百年诞辰之际,绍兴成功举办了首届中国越剧艺术节。12年来,中国越剧艺术节对越剧艺术的交流合作、传承发展,产生了积极推动作用和深远的社会影响。  (干婧 柯殷琪)  The 4th
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I chanced upon Jin Yong’s The Book and the Sword on my way tothe Yellow Mountain. It was late September in 1981. I was travelingwith several classmates from college. A young couple was sitting infront