2016年5月份,苹果被判iphone6和iphone6plus外观侵犯深圳佰利公司的专利,而后,华为两次指控三星侵权,共索赔9 200万。近日,华为又陷入与诺基亚、T-Mobile的专利诉讼案,侵权案件频频曝光,对此,浙江大学EMBA客座教授、浙江天搜集团董事长石高涛认为,实际上这并不是一件坏事,反而说明企业越发重视对知识产权的保护。知识产权在企业中扮演重要的角色,它作为一种基于智慧的劳动成果,转变成企业或个人的核心竞争力,发挥价
May 2016, Apple was sentenced to iphone6 and iphone6plus appearance of the patent infringement of Shenzhen Billiton, and then, Huawei twice accused Samsung of infringement, claim a total of 92 million. Recently, Huawei was again caught with Nokia, T-Mobile’s patent litigation cases, frequent infringement cases, this, Zhejiang University EMBA visiting professor, Zhejiang Sky Group Chairman Shi Tao that in fact this is not a bad thing, but that Enterprises pay more attention to the protection of intellectual property. Intellectual property plays an important role in the enterprise as a result of wisdom-based labor, transformed into the core competitiveness of enterprises or individuals,