Female patient, 34 years old, worker, due to cold appear runny nose, throat itch and oral fasting cold capsules, ammonia will cents each 2, 3 times a day for 2 days, the third day morning 8:30 and served fast Cold capsule, ammonia will cents two after the throat itch, a cold sweat, throat phlegm, tight chest, breathing difficulties, can not stand walking, fear, sense of imminent death, but the awareness is clear and told the same department staff was Send factory workers hospital. Examination: T37.1 ℃, R40 beats / min, P94 beats / min, BP14 / 8kPa, awake, fear expression, pale, lips cyanosis, shortness of breath, the skin visible grain size erythema, mouth breathing, Sound, lung breath sounds clear, no Luo sound, heart rate 94 beats / min, law Qi, apex area can be heard Ⅰ-Ⅱ contraction