上高县城是一个不到十万人口 的小县城。清清的锦江河, 将县城分为南北两大块。两岸的水 泥护堤和花岗石的栏杆,显得美丽 而庄严。三座石桥横跨,南来北 往,很是方便。这小小的县城不但 幽雅美丽,而且它曾是抗日战争的 重镇之一。著名的“上高会战”就 是在这里发生的。1941年军民浴 血奋战26天,一举消灭侵华日军 2.4万人。因此,它在中国抗战史 上颇有名气。
Shanggao County is a small town of less than 100,000 population. Qingjiang River, the county is divided into two major north-south block. Both sides of the cement berm and granite railings, it is beautiful and solemn. Three stone bridge across the south to north, it is convenient. This small county is not only beautiful and elegant, but also it was one of the most important centers of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The famous “battle on the high” is here. In 1941, soldiers and civilians fought bloody battles for 26 days, annihilating 24,000 Japanese troops infested in one fell swoop. Therefore, it is quite famous in the history of China’s war of resistance.