李敏慧 要事业也要生活

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她是一位低调的科学家,热爱学术,成就斐然,曾在法国居里研究所担任主任研究员多年,居里夫人是她的偶像。27年前,她走出清华园,留学法国。母校行胜于言的校风早已融入血液,她笃实进取,干一行爱一行,一步一个脚印,数十年如一日地跋涉在钟爱的化学世界里。就是想当工程师李敏慧天资聪颖,从小学到高中,成绩一直名列前茅。1981年,年仅16岁的她拿到了清华大学化学与化学工程系的录取通知书,走进清华,拉开了李敏慧科学人生舞台的大幕。大学毕业后,李敏慧留在母校继续攻读硕 She is a low-key scientist who loves academics and has achieved great accomplishments. She has been a research fellow for many years at the Curie Institute in France, and Marie Curie is her idol. 27 years ago, she walked out of Tsinghua University, studying in France. Alma mater is better at saying school ethos has long been integrated into the blood, she is a progressive, dry line of love, step by step, decades of trekking in the beloved chemical world. Just want to be engineer Li Minhui bright, from primary to high school, the result has been among the best. In 1981, she was only 16 years old and got the admission notice of Tsinghua University Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, into Tsinghua University, opened the curtain of Li Min-hui’s stage of scientific life. After graduating from college, Li Minhui stay in his alma mater continue to study master
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