Sino-EU Trade,New Measures for 2009

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allenhuqiqi
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In the last several years,we have been able to observe how China has shown a spectacular economic development. However,the Chinese economy has not been an exception to the global trend and has also suffered from the consequences of the global financial crisis.This has been especially true with the manufacturing and export sector,in particular shoes,toys...that have suffered a strong decline that has provoke some factories to close and the loss of jobs.This led us to question if the Chinese economy can remain strong without depending so much on exports. However, the Chinese economy has not been an exception to the global trend and has suffered from the consequences of the global financial crisis. This has been especially true with the manufacturing and export sector, in particular shoes, toys ... that have suffered a strong decline that has provoke some factories to close and the loss of jobs.This led us to question if the Chinese economy can remain strong without depending so much on exports
1977年在《太湖》杂志发表第一首诗歌。  1980年为江苏青年诗人社团“男朋友”诗社成员;《青年作家》5期发表《在太湖边》,引起诗坛关注。  1981年《雨花》9期发表《眺望》
Objective:To investigate the gene related to β-lactam resistance and to confirm the mechanism about a synergy effect between CPZ and β-lactam antibiotics.Meth
摘要 最好的教育方法,最好的教育艺术,都产生于教师对学生无比热爱的炽热心灵中。要想做好一名班主任,并不是一件轻松的事情,需要对每一个学生都要有爱心、细心和耐心。也只有这样,教育中遇到的种种问题才会迎刃而解。  关键词 班级管理 班主任工作 爱心 细心 耐心    回顾这十几年来的班主任工作,真是感慨颇多。说实话,对于管理班级的工作也是在一边干着一边学着。每个学期班集体的建设都倾注了我的全部心血。总