明星专线 副书记熊倪文/罗学莲 跳水名将熊倪的顽强毅力和精湛技艺在2000年的悉尼奥运会上表现得淋漓尽致,给众多体育爱好者留下了深刻印象。 如今,不断有读者来信来电,想了解熊倪的近况。听到消息的熊倪在电话那头一连串地说:“谢谢读者!” 奥运会后,熊
Xiong Ni Wen star star / Luo Xuelian diving star Xiong Ni tenacious perseverance and superb skills in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games performed most vividly, to many sports fans left a deep impression. Nowadays, there are some readers who have sent letters and they want to know the current situation of Xiong Ni. Xiong Ni heard the news on the other end of the phone said: “Thank you!” After the Olympics, the bear