近年来,中国人寿保险股份有限公司永州分公司(以下简称“中国人寿永州分公司”)充分发挥先进典型的示范引导作用,树立了一批在中国人寿不同层次的平凡岗位上辛勤耕耘、默默奉献的先进人物,用鲜活的、身边的典型深刻诠释了爱岗敬业、无私奉献的真正内涵和忠于客户、忠于公司、忠诚同事的不悔追求,促进了公司业务及各项工作的发展。2004年以来,连续三年进入全省系统 A类先进公司行列,总保费及新单期缴保费,每年保持着30%以上的增长速度,
In recent years, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Yongzhou Branch (hereinafter referred to as “China Life Insurance Yongzhou Branch”) gave full play to advanced and exemplary demonstration and guidance to establish a group of ordinary people in China Life Insurance at different levels of hard work, The dedication of the advanced people, with fresh, typical of the typical profound interpretation of the dedication, selfless dedication to the true meaning and loyalty to the company, loyal to the company, loyal colleagues regret not pursuit, and promote the company’s business and the development of various work . Since 2004, it has entered the ranks of Class A advanced companies in the province for three years in a row, with the total premiums and the new single-period premiums maintained at an annual growth rate of over 30%