网站的潮起潮落,生生死死似乎独独和文学网站沾不上边——多如牛毛的文学网站依然让人目不暇接。这使关注文学的网民忧喜参半,喜的是在商业网站的“严冬”里,文学网站还活着,忧的是文学网站目前也只是活着,仅此而已。文学网站各有各的活法 1、自得其乐地活着文学网站大多拥有相对固定的用户,而且文学爱好者的忠诚度通常较高,许多文学网站就像是文学社团聚会的场所,各种流派和文学主张的网上自己为自己喝彩,倒也自
The ups and downs of the site, life and death seem to be alone and literary sites do not adhere to the edge - more literary sites are still dizzying. This makes the Internet users concerned about literature mixed, hi that commercial website “winter ”, the literature website is still alive, the worry is that the literature website is only alive, nothing more. Literary websites each have their own live law 1, live a happy life Most literary websites have relatively fixed users, and lovers of literature loyalty are generally high, many literary sites are like literary societies gatherings, schools of various genres And literary advocacy online applause for themselves, down from