教研组是搞好教研教改,直接推动教学工作的重要一环,但怎样加强教研组工作的建设,它包含哪些方面的内容呢?这里总结我校语文组几年来教研教改的情况,给大家提供一个轮廓性的设想。一、加强教研组建设的重大意义。 (一) 有效地组织日常教学研究活动。这些活动,可以是一人一课活动,集体备课活动,学习使用新教材活动,优秀教案和优秀课评比活动等。 (二) 联合攻关,使教研教改向纵深发展。教研组要充分发挥集体的作用,组织全体教师参加教研教改,联合攻关,有利教研教改向纵深发展。 (三) 有利于推广教研组内的教学经验。对教研组内的好经验,一般采取“听课——介绍——再
The teaching and research group is an important part of teaching and research teaching reform and direct promotion of teaching work. However, what are the contents of how to strengthen the teaching and research group? The summary of the situation of the teaching and research reform in the language group of our school over the past few years provides an outline for everyone. Sexual imagination. First, strengthen the significance of the teaching and research group. (i) Effectively organize daily teaching and research activities. These activities can be one-to-one-class activities, group preparation activities, learning to use new textbooks, excellent lesson plans and excellent assessment activities. (B) Joint research, teaching, research and teaching to the depth development. The teaching and research group should give full play to the role of the collective, organize all teachers to participate in teaching and research reform, joint research, teaching and research teaching reform to in-depth development. (c) It is conducive to the promotion of teaching experience in the teaching and research group. For the good experience in the teaching and research group, generally take "listening - introduction - again